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Art education

Art education in Belarus

How interesting is the life of creative individuals, and how hard it is to break through with creative abilities in the modern world, because such people are usually very vulnerable and sensitive, and modern society often perceives these personality traits as weakness. But, as the saying goes, through thorns to the stars, therefore, let every person of art seek and find his own path, which in the shortest possible time will bear fruit in the form of recognition and fame in the professional environment. In turn, the art as a creative activity of the industry, you can understand very well: music, dance, theater; painting, graphics, sculpture; cinema and photography; arts and crafts; design; architecture. It is important to note that in our country, the state has already formed a network of educational institutions providing training, education, graduation and retraining of personnel in the field of art in almost each of the above areas.

What does art education include?

Choosing an art college of arts as the place of your further education, you must take into account the fact that you must graduate from an art school, studio or thematic preparatory courses before entering . And it's not in that to how to go to college, it is advisable to stock up on any "crusts", and to ensure that find classical drawing skills, knowledge of drawing theory. If we talk about the directions that exist in art colleges of arts, then I must say that there are many of them and they are diverse. Now one of the most popular specialties is Design. Since the profession of a designer is quite fashionable, in demand, bringing, if you have talent and connections, a good income. In addition, the classic, but no less popular direction Painting. It requires a fairly serious and comprehensive preparation, so the duration of training in this specialty is from 2 years in college to 6 years in a university. A more detailed list of specialties can always be obtained from the admissions office or on the college website.

Art colleges in Belarus

Today Belarus has 15 specialized secondary educational institutions that train specialists in the field of fine arts. There are 4 of them with the specialty Painting: two in Minsk and one each in Molodechno and Gomel. The specialty Sculpture is prepared only in the capital: at the Art College named after Glebov and at the Gymnasium-College named after Akhremchik. Applicants looking for colleges after grade 9 can choose from six art colleges and four educational institutions such as Gymnasium-College of Art and School-College of Art. The number of students in design at a college of art can range from 0 to 12-25%, the majority are actors and conductors, guitarists and pianists, singers and dancers, gymnasium students and schoolchildren. More than 50% of the total numbers of students study in design specialties in colleges, the rest are future painters, sculptors and artists of decorative and applied arts. If there is a desire and opportunity to move to another city, look for a college in the regional center, in the capital. Some educational institutions such as a school-gymnasium-college of arts can only accept applicants with local registration (residence permit).

Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov

The percentage of admission to the Minsk State Art College named after A. K. Glebov is 40-50% of the best of the best. College education is carried out on the basis of general basic education (after grade 9). In the areas of design, painting, sculpture - the term of study is 3 years and 10 months. Specialty arts and crafts − 2 years and 10 months. Education is free − at the expense of the republican budget. There are also "paid" places - paid education at the expense of the student's own funds. Tuition fee on a paid basis is about 3632 BYN per year. The college website can be found here.

Gymnasium-College of Arts named after I.O. Akhremchik

The college website can be found here. On the basis of 9 classes, upon admission to college, you can choose well-versed art specialties: d and rigging (managing the academic choir), and instrumental performance (piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, cymbals, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, percussion), painting, culture. Students with abilities in the field of musical and instrumental art and musical and choral art are admitted to the gymnasium from the fifth to the 11th grade. Also, students with abilities in the field of fine arts (painting, sculpture) are admitted to the artistic direction . Talented children from all over the republic are accepted; upon admission, nonresidents are provided with a hostel.

Minsk State College of Arts

The college recruits in a wide range of specialties. These are arts and crafts, conducting (academic choir), instrumental performance (piano, folk orchestra instruments), choreographic art (folk and ballroom dancing), folk art (dance, folk rituals and holidays, instrumental music), variety art (singing ). The term of study varies from two years to 3 years and 10 months.

Universities in the field of art

The academy has a theater, art, design and decorative arts faculty, screen arts. At the faculties, respectively, you can find various departments: stage speech, acting and directing; painting, graphics, sculpture, drawing and decorative arts; industrial design, theory and history of design, graphic design, interior design and equipment, costume design; film and television directing, film and television operators, management, history and theory of screen arts.

Belarusian State Academy of Music

At the university, you can study in the following specialties: piano, music theory, composition, accompanist, music pedagogy, music history. The Orchestral Department offers the following list of specialties: stringed bowed instruments, orchestral conducting and instrumentation, chamber ensemble, woodwind instruments, brass and percussion instruments. The vocal and choral faculty combines the following specialties to choose from: singing, choral conducting, operatic training and choreography. The Faculty of Folk Instruments offers training in the bayan and accordion class, string folk plucked-percussion instruments. At present, the faculty of advanced training is actively functioning, where the following educational programs for additional education for adults are being implemented: advanced training of managers and specialists; retraining of executives and specialists with higher education; internship for executives and specialists; Training courses.

Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

The structure of the BSUKM includes the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining, 5 faculties (the faculty of cultural studies and socio-cultural activities, the faculty of traditional Belarusian culture and contemporary art, the faculty of music, the faculty of information and documentary communications, and the faculty of distance learning), 26 special and university departments. as well as the following departments and services: educational and methodological department, department of legal and personnel work, department of international relations, department of educational work with youth, art gallery «University of Culture», production center «Art Major», postgraduate study, scientific department, library.

Art education in regional cities

In many large cities of the country, which are not regional centers, we can observe approximately the same system of institutions functioning with the aim of developing and promoting culture among the population. For children of preschool and school age, these are networks of sections, circles at the Palaces of Culture and (or) trade union organizations. There are also public and private art schools. It is worth noting that in many cities, music schools operate which, as a rule, are still 100% budgetary and for education, in which parents have to pay a symbolic amount for their children.
