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Hunting and fishing

All about national hunting and fishing in Belarus

In ancient times, hunting and fishing were a way for people to find food and survive. With the development of economy and production, this need has disappeared: hunting and fishing became a hobby. Now it is more like a choice - to stay home warm or to go out into the forest face to face with a wild boar.

Fishing in Belarus

Often the following situation happens on a pond: you have already thrown the bait, squint, look at the river surface, your problems disperse and the float becomes the most important thing in the world. And now it's trembling. Your heart stops. The wood stretches and the float goes under.  The undercut and finally you pull it out of the water... no, not a shoe, but a real, alive fish. But you've got a strange specimen that you've never dealt with before.

It's important to know which fish to catch and which to let go. There are limits on the amount of fish caught by a species at a time. They are based on the length of fish that have reached puberty. That is, fishermen are allowed to catch only those fish that have left behind their offspring.

Fish species that can be caught by recreational fishing and their quantity:

  • whitefish - no more than 40 pieces;
  • pike - no more than 35 pieces;
  • bream - the maximum number is not set;
  • ulcers - no more than 25 pieces;
  • tench - no more than 22 pieces;
  • white cupid - no more than 40 pieces;
  • thick and carp - the maximum number has not been set;
  • nutcracker - not more than 34 pieces;
  • czech - no more than 24 pieces;
  • bruise - the maximum number is not set;
  • zander - not more than 40 pieces;
  • catfish - no more than 70 pieces;
  • burbot - not more than 36 pieces;
  • chub - no more than 25 pieces;
  • narrow-toedged crab - not more than 9 pieces.

Fishing rules

Prohibition on fishing

The legislation of the Republic of Belarus prohibits fishing in Brest and Gomel regions from March 20 to May 18, in Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno regions - from April 1 to May 30, and in Vitebsk region - from April 10 to June 8. However, if you fish as an amateur, this ban does not apply to you. But you should pay attention to the following points:

  • you can fish only in daylight time - not earlier than 1 hour before sunrise and not later than 1 hour after sunset;
  • you can only fish from the shore, ice and man-made structures - you must not enter the water;
  • only one rod with one hook or spinning with artificial bait may be used;
  • the use of a single, double or triple hook is allowed.

There is also a ban on catching certain fish species. This is due to the beginning of spawning. For example, pike spawning is the first to occur and needs to be protected in order to preserve its population from the first days of its life cycle.

The type of fish that is subject to the ban:

  • pike. The ban is valid from March 9 to April 25 in Vitebsk region, and in the rest from March 1 to April 15;
  • catfish. In Brest and Homel voblasts it's prohibited to catch catfish from November 1 to March 31 and from May 19 to June 20. In the other regions the ban is in force from November 1 to March 31 and from May 31 to July 1;
  • pikeperch. It is prohibited to catch this species of fish in all regions from 15 April to 30 May;
  • whitefish. It is prohibited to fish in all regions from 1 November to 15 December;
  • burbot. Burbot is prohibited to fish in all regions from 25 December to 28 February.

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, a violation of the ban may result in a fine of 20 to 50 basic units and complete confiscation of all fishing equipment.

Spring fishing

We've already written above about some restrictions on spring fishing. These prohibitions do not apply to amateur fishermen provided that they will fish with a single fishing rod or spinning from the shore, ice or special structures.

Summer fishing

The Republic of Belarus attracts not only foreign guests by rivers and lakes. Indigenous people of Belarus do not miss a chance to go out in the summer with tents and spend time in the company of family and friends, and at the same time to compete who will catch more fish. That's why summer fishing is not only a tradition but also a good way to spend time in the nature and have a rest from the city bustle.

Autumn fishing

Autumn is a good time for fishing, but you should understand that catching tactics at this time of year should be different from summer. Do not forget also about clothing that should meet the following parameters: wind resistance, moisture resistance, heat resistance.

Winter fishing

Winter fishing in Belarus is available mainly at your own risk. This type of recreation is extremely popular in Belarus. The lakes are covered with ice from December to March, and rescue teams in these months do not sit idle, sometimes helping the most passionate fishermen.

Belarus rivers for fishing on spinning

In Belarus, there are more than 20 thousand rivers and all of them are not similar to each other in terms of hydrological characteristics.

Rivers in Belarus for fishing:

  • Dnepr;
  • Pripyat;
  • Sozh;
  • Western Dvina;
  • Berezina;
  • Muhavets.

The rivers are especially rich in catching pike, and if you want to catch pike-perch, it lives in the Pripyat and lower reaches of the Dnieper.

Free fishing on lakes

There are more than 10 thousand lakes in Belarus, but not all of them will be a good place for catching. Besides fishing, you can relax there with tents and enjoy the picturesque views.

Fishing from a boat is more effective on lakes. The peak period of such fishing is in the summer and autumn months, after the spawning period, when it is forbidden to fish in the water: you can only fish for one hook from the shore.

Belarusian lakes for fishing:

  • the lakes of Narochansky Park are rich in perch, burbot, eel and zander. There are about 25 species of fish here;
  • on the lakes Volchino, Myadel, Beloye and Bolshie Shvakty there is an opportunity to go underwater fishing for a small fee;
  • lake Chigirinskoe is located in the Mogilev region, where knowledgeable fishermen mostly go for catfish;
  • in the Braslav lakes in the grassy places one can meet a red feather and a roach. You can easily catch a big perch or a pike on spinning;
  • lake Vileika, where fish come to spawn from the Baltic Sea, is the most popular lake for fishermen. According to modest estimates, there are 63 species of fish there, among which the most coveted prey is the pike-perch. In winter, the reservoir is covered with medium-thickness ice, which is very convenient for winter fishing.

Underwater fishing

Hunting underwater in Belarus can be done by diving into a snag, lying on the bottom or rafting along the river for several kilometers. The most suitable for underwater hunting are such rivers and lakes as Shlyamitsa, Volpa, Gancha, Neman, Strusto Lake.

Each hunter must have obligatory equipment in the form of a wetsuit with flippers, rifles with harpoon, masks with a tube, belts with cargo and a knife. Scuba diving is prohibited in Belarus, so the diver can only count on his strength and endurance.

Underwater hunting can be performed in both summer and winter. There is no need to dive deep in summer, as the fish live in shallow waters in algae, and in winter and autumn, the water is colder, but visibility is much better. Each fish has its own depth. For example, crucian carp, tench and bream swim in shoals near the hunter, at a shooting distance of 1-1.5 meters, and eels lie at a depth of 10-15 meters.

Paid fishing

Fishing grounds are part of the territory of Belarus, which is a permanent habitat for fish or is important for their reproduction, feeding, wintering, migration and also for fishing. Belarusian legislation establishes a list of fishing grounds in which it is possible to fish.

It should be remembered that it is prohibited to fish in fishing grounds that have not reached the age of sexual maturity. Also in fishing grounds, it is allowed to catch no more than 5 kg of fish per fisherman per day, except when the weight of one fish exceeds this norm.

Belarus offers a large number of fishing grounds in each of the country's regions. The price per fisherman ranges from $1.5 to $40.

Hunting in Belarus

Belarus is a unique area for hunting many species of animals, including bison, elks, deer, wild boars and roe deer. In spring, they hunt grouse and grouse, waterfowl, grey partridge and woodcock.

The hunting season in Belarus starts in the last days of summer. It is the beginning of the season of driven hunting for ungulates: elk, red deer, roe deer and wild boar older than two years. This type of hunting is conducted in daylight hours. When hunting for animals it is allowed to use rifled hunting guns, smooth-bore hunting rifles, bows and crossbows.

Hunting rules

Opening of hunting

The season begins in the last days of summer. It is the beginning of the hunt for ungulates: elk, red deer, roe deer and wild boar older than two years.

Hunting is conducted in daylight hours and is allowed to use rifled hunting rifles, smooth-bore hunting rifles, bows and crossbows.

Hunting time

Belarus has temporary and seasonal restrictions, and there are also a number of protected areas. The hunting of the beast there is prohibited even with a hunting permit in nature reserves and national parks.

There are two hunting seasons in our country - autumn-winter and summer. The autumn-winter season is in early September - late February, and the summer season is from June to August.

Spring hunting

In spring you can hunt bison, wild boar, wolf, fox, raccoon dog, grouse, duck, woodcock, chirk and blacken.

Summer hunting

In summer hunting for roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox and raccoon dog is allowed.

Autumn hunting

In autumn you can safely plan your hunting for bison, elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, beaver, marten, raccoon dog, river otter, mink, muskrat, squirrel, grouse, partridge, goose, hazel grouse, duck, chirk, niello, woodcock and snipe.

Winter hunting

In winter you can hunt a wolf, a fox, a river beaver, an otter, a mink, an ermine, an muskrat, measles, a squirrel, a deer and a wild boar.

Wild hunting

Goose hunting

You can hunt goose of any sex and age from March 14 to May 10 during daylight hours only from scratch or ambush with the use of a camouflage robe and only with the help of semolina and planting goose. Hunting dogs may be used to search for prey.

Duck Hunting

From August 8 to December 12, it is allowed to hunt for ducks in daylight from ambush, with luring, from the approach and approach, including hunting dogs.

Hunting for hares

The hunting period for the hare begins from October 3 to January 25. It is possible to hunt from an ambush, from an approach or entrance, or by the method of corral hunting.

Beaver hunting

Beaver hunting begins in the first numbers of September and ends at the end of March. Hunting is allowed from ambush, approach or entrance.

Hunting for the wolf

From January to December 31 it is allowed to hunt animals of any sex and age from ambush, with luring, from approach, from the entrance, from the enclosure, including hunting dogs and hunting birds.

Hunting a wild boar

Boar hunting is allowed from April 1 to September 30. It is possible to hunt males older than two years and young males up to two years of any sex within one day. The method of hunting is an ambush shotgun, from the approach.

Hunting moose

Hunting for adult males of trophy quality is allowed from August 20 to September 30, and for animals of any sex and age from October 1 to January 31. The method of hunting for trophy moose is a rifle enclosure, from an ambush, from an approach and with hunting dogs. An ordinary moose can be hunted in a paddock with dogs - during daylight hours, and during daylight hours from an ambush or from the approach.

Video: goose hunting in Belarus

Video of goose hunting can be viewed here.

Fishing and hunting in Belarus can be an unforgettable experience. The necessary equipment can be rented together with several tents for those who would like to devote a couple of days to their favorite activity.
