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Economic education

Economic education in Belarus

Every year applicants have more and more choice for admission. Universities welcome students to various faculties. Today we will talk about economic. We will tell you about economic education in Belarus and its future prospects.

Economic colleges and lyceums

Sooner or later, every student faces a choice of a future profession. Some schoolchildren do not see the point in staying until grade 11 and go to economics colleges, where they graduate specialists in demand today. Colleges and lyceums are the stages of obtaining secondary / secondary specialized education. They accept applicants after grades 9 and 11.

After obtaining the qualification "economist", specialists can continue their studies at one of the Belarusian universities both full-time and part-time.

Today, secondary education diplomas are competitive in the labor market.

Economic universities

The training of a specialist in the specialty of an economist involves the formation of knowledge and skills in managing economic processes. Economically, universities lay the foundation of knowledge about planning the economic activities of organizations of various forms of ownership and other economic processes.

The diversity of universities, their faculties and specialties give students the opportunity for students to apply for any desired profession.


The Belarusian State Economic University is the top educational institution in the country for the training of qualified specialists in the field of economics. University graduates are invited to work both in state enterprises and in private offices.

Since its inception, BSEU has maintained the image of the best economic university in the country, so only the best applicants can pass passing scores. BSEU provides an opportunity to apply knowledge in practice, starting from the first year, as well as support for graduates in distribution.

Nonresident students are given the opportunity to check into one of the student campus dormitories in their first year. In the future, you will have to try to live in such conditions.


Today, the country's leading university graduates specialists in the following economic specialties: economic theory, economics, economic informatics, finance and credit, management.

Learning prospects:

• Systematic lectures with the invitation of representatives of the real sector;

• Visits by students to enterprises and banks;

• Opportunity to take part in international forums and conferences;

• Case-championship "Business Case student competition";

• Startup competition "Business Idea";

• All-Belarusian competition of startups "STARTUP HEART".

Freshmen are given the opportunity to live in one of the hostels on the campus.

Academy under the President

Today the Academy is one of the top best universities in the country and occupies a leading place in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of leading personnel of state bodies and organizations. Academy graduates care about the prospects of the Belarusian economy and represent the interests of the country on the world stage.

Applicants enter the specialty public administration and economics. There are many student organizations and interest clubs operating here, participation in which helps to earn an additional rating for settling in a hostel.


BNTU is a top engineering and technical university for the training of specialists, including in the economic direction. Education at the university is closely related to production activities.

Applicants who dream of entering a university will certainly find a place for themselves here, since the passing scores are quite mundane. Students are trained in the following specialties: economics and organization of production, economics and enterprise management, business administration, marketing, management of innovative projects of industrial enterprises, trade equipment and technologies for the production of display and advertising objects.

 In addition to the high level of education, students are offered the opportunity to participate in creative projects, for example, "Spring BNTU". Here students demonstrate their talents and make new friends within the walls of the university.


BSUIR annually trains the best IT specialists from all over the country. A decent level of education dictates high passing scores for admission. BSUIR actively practices internships abroad and student exchange programs. And graduates become owners of the best professions for high wages.

The Faculty of Engineering and Economics of BSUIR is represented by the following departments: Management, Economics, Economic Informatics, Foreign Languages.

The Faculty of Engineering and Economics trains specialists with broad knowledge of economics and modern information technologies, which creates the competitiveness of the graduates of the faculty in the labor market.


BSATU trains specialists in the field of engineering and economics for the agro-industrial complex. The university has the opportunity to study at two correspondence faculties (electrification and mechanization), which allows working people to get higher education without interrupting their main activity and at the same time immediately implement the acquired knowledge in their profession.

The university provides the best students with the opportunity to practice abroad: in the UK, Germany, Norway.

Students not only receive a decent education, but also present their scientific works at Republican competitions, which increases their value as specialists.

Regional economic universities

Regional economic universities annually recruit applicants for the following specialties: economics and management at an enterprise, economics and management at a service enterprise, a logistics-economist, etc. The passing scores for budget-funded and paid places are much less here than in universities in the capital.

A specialist diploma in economics can be obtained at the following universities:

• GSU named after Francysk Skaryna,

• Yanka Kupala State University,

• BarSU,



• BelSUT,


• BRU,

• BrSTU,


• GSTU named after P.O. Sukhoi,


• Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov,


• PolesGU,


We strongly recommend not to get lost in the university student years, but to be actively interested in the profession and scientific work in order to represent competition in the labor market after graduation.

MSc in Economics

Master's degree is the second degree of obtaining higher education, where specialists are immersed in the subject of the specialty with greater interest.

 In modern conditions, the labor market lacks highly qualified economists in the field of production organization, foreign economic activity, material and technical supply, personnel management of organizations, therefore, having a master's degree, you can easily find a profession in your specialty.

Documents for the master's program must be submitted from the beginning of June. Interview and entrance tests are held during July. Enrollment is carried out until the end of July. The beginning of the master's studies is from September 1.

Management and economics courses

For those who do not want to waste time on higher education, courses in economics and management are presented in Minsk. One of these is a course in financial management.

The cost of the course is 300 Belarusian rubles.

For 30 academic hours, you will be introduced to the economic base and financial management. Step-by-step training includes the following lessons:

1. Acquaintance - Finance and financial management;

2. The financial structure of the enterprise;

3. Financial planning;

4. Financial management;

5. Financial accounting and reporting. Controlling;

6. Investments. Investment project management.
