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Treatment in Belarus

The Republic of Belarus actively accepts foreign citizens for treatment. People come here to get full courses of therapy and rehabilitation.

Directions offered by specialists for treatment in Belarus:

  • Obstetrics and gynecology;
  • Cardiology;
  • Neurosurgery;
  • Ophthalmology;
  • Cardiac surgery;
  • Oncology;
  • Traumatology, etc.

The advantages of Belarusian clinics

The main advantages of Belarusian clinics are:

  • Belarus is located in the very center of Europe;
  • Belarus has good transport communication;
  • A temperate climate that is easy to adapt to;
  • The latest and progressive treatment methods;
  • Relatively low cost of medical services;
  • Good equipped clinics and high quality services;
  • Qualified doctors and attentive medical staff.

What medical services are provided?

The whole range of medical services is provided in Belarus: surgical interventions, treatment of patients under the supervision of medical specialists, rehabilitation.

Hernia treatment

A hernia is a protrusion of internal organs from a cavity through a normal or pathologically formed hole, maintaining the integrity of the membranes.

The disease is quite common among people of all ages. Hernias can be classified as follows:

  1. Internal (account for 25%):
  • Near the sigmoid colon, cecum;
  • Near the ligament of Treitz;
  • Lumbar-rib;
  • Tendon center of the diaphragm;
  • Esophagus, etc.
  1. External (account for 75%):
  • Inguinal;
  • Thighs;
  • Umbilical;
  • Ischiatic;
  • Lateral, etc.

Today, there are several approaches for the treatment of hernias:

  • Open hernia removal;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Setting up mesh frames.

The most progressive method is the setting of wireframes, which are located above or below the problem area, grow together with the tissues of the body, due to their solid structure, correct the hernia, and also cannot be rejected by the hernia. The doctor selects the treatment method based on the result of examination, so you may be offered a more conservative treatment method.

In Belarusian clinics of all forms of ownership, hernias of various origins are treated.

You can view the most relevant list of medical centers here (

Musculoskeletal system treatment

With aging, joint mobility worsens due to a slowdown in metabolic processes; the amount of synovial (articular) fluid decreases, or even get a minimum, thereby being one of the causes of inflammatory diseases. There is discomfort, tightness and pain.

Another problem is the numerous curvature of the spine of both adults and children.

Musculoskeletal treatment includes two aspects: medication and rehabilitation.

If you notice unusual discomfort in the joints or back, then you should consult a surgeon who will prescribe preliminary tests (general blood count, urine test, biochemical blood test) and diagnostic procedures (x-ray, ultrasound, etc.). After this stage, he will pick up medication and can prescribe rehabilitation and physiotherapy, for example:

  • Classic massage;
  • Hydromassage;
  • Physiotherapy exercises;
  • Shock wave therapy using a special apparatus.

You can find a qualified doctor in any major medical center (, and a number of Belarusian sanatoriums provide physiotherapy and traditional methods (, located in picturesque places.

Alcoholism treatment

Alcoholism is a very serious problem in modern society. With an addiction to alcohol, over time the personality degrades, social status falls, and significant health problems also appear.

Modern medicine offers several methods of treating alcoholism:

  • Medication (stitching doses of drugs that, when a man drinks alcohol, cause a sharp deterioration in physical condition);
  • Psychotherapeutic (hypnosis);
  • Mixed (a combination of the first two options).

A qualified doctor will help determine the method of alcoholism treatment. Belarusian medical centers provide both psychotherapeutic and medicine treatment services. More information about the services of the centers can be found here (

Hepatitis C treatment

Viral hepatitis C is an infectious liver disease that occurs because of infection with the hepatitis C virus. The virus is transmitted through the blood (including through needles, insufficiently sterilized instruments), less commonly through sexual contact, and very rarely from mother to child.

When infection occurs over time, destructive liver damage occurs. However, the clinical picture is not clear: the patient feels a slight malaise, rises in body temperature and weakness. Because of this mismatch (the real defeat and its external manifestation), the virus is called the “affectionate killer”.

As a primary diagnosis, a test is carried out to detect antibodies to the hepatitis C virus, in case of a positive conclusion of the investigation, additional tests are prescribed that are based on the detection of even more specific antibodies to the structural proteins of hepatitis C, as well as PCR for the presence of the virus.

If the diagnosis is positive, it is necessary to take the following tests before going to the doctor: a biochemical blood test, a second blood test for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus, PCR for the presence of hepatitis C, as well as an abdominal ultrasound scan. Then consult an infectious disease doctor (hepatologist) to prescribe the necessary hepatitis C treatment.

The therapy includes regular use of antiviral drugs and hepatoprotectors. The course of treatment can be from one to six months, depending on the condition of the disease.

Treatment for children

A number of private medical centers and children's hospitals work in Minsk, which provide treatment and counselling for children and teenagers on a paid basis.

They offer a full range of services from a planned consultation appointment, to hospitalization of a child in serious condition.

Belarusian pediatricians are famous for their friendliness, responsiveness and high qualifications.

In addition to medical centers in Belarus, resorts also accept little guests. They are located in picturesque places of the country, have modern equipment and are equipped with qualified personnel. Sanatoria offer healing services for diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system and circulatory system:

  • Water aerobics;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Contrast baths;
  • General and turpentinic baths;
  • Therapeutic shower;
  • Mud therapy;
  • Aerosol therapy (inhalation);
  • Oxygen therapy (oxygen cocktails);
  • Holter monitoring, etc.

Dental treatment

Centers that offer dental care, including emergency care, are widely represented in the city of Minsk. For citizens of the republic, most services in state institutions are provided free of charge, but many Belarusian people prefer private centers and dentistry.

Belarusian dentists are famous for their qualifications. They constantly improve their skills in various foreign courses, thereby increasing the level of dentistry in Belarus.

Foreign citizens are also attracted by prices for the services of treatment, implantation, restoration of teeth, installation of skays, veneers, whitening.

If you are interested in dental treatment in Belarus, then a detailed list of centers with services can be found here (

Spinal treatment

The causes of back pain can be different, the most common of them are:

  • Osteochondrosis - a disease in which the deformation of the intervertebral discs occurs due to the loss of its amortisation;
  • Intervertebral hernia - protrusion of the nucleus of the intervertebral disc into the interdiscal space with subsequent pain;
  • •Scoliosis - curvature of the spinal column.

In Belarus, medical centers and sanatoriums provide spinal treatment. If it is necessary, departments of physiotherapy in hospitals, where patients can go through a rehabilitation period. provide surgical intervention.

The basis of treatment in sanatoriums is physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Hydrotherapy - a massage procedure using a Sharko shower, a feature of which is lowering the temperature of the water during the session, in combination with mineral baths (thermal, chemical, mechanical effects that improve metabolic processes);
  • Balneotherapy - a procedure in which the doctor prescribes the frequency of taking a certain amount of mineral water of a specific chemical composition;
  • Carboxytherapy - injections of medical carbon dioxide, which provide a vasodilator and analgesic effect, as well as improve microcirculation;
  • Magnetotherapy - the effect of a magnetic field on the body, followed by stimulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • Ultrasound and laser therapy;
  • Massage therapy;
  • Traction of the spinal column - the patient is placed on a special table, fixed with a corset, the procedure is carried out in warm water, sometimes with the addition of salts, the degree of traction is regulated with special weights (helps to get rid of severe pain with osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias).

Psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis is a very common disease all over the world. The etiology of its occurrence and treatment methods are not fully understood.

To consult on the psoriasis treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist. The selection of treatment is carried out individually, but most often, a doctor prescribes creams, a special diet and vitamin therapy.

If a man get a psoriasis, it is considered favourable to undergo supportive treatment in a sanatorium, since the following procedures are carried out there to restore the skin and normalize skin functions:

  • Mud applications on the affected areas;
  • Body wraps;
  • Mud baths;
  • Massage;
  • Balneotherapy.

Cancer treatment

Belarusian oncologists are highly qualified, they conduct therapy according to European standards. Clinical centers have all necessary equipment, medicines and diagnostic tools. As a result, in Belarus can be carried out:

  • Surgical interventions using modern cryoscalpels, laser therapy and a gamma knife;
  • Radiation therapy - destruction of tumour cells left after surgery;
  • Chemotherapy - the use of drugs that affect the reproduction of atypical cells;
  • Hormone therapy for tumours in hormone-dependent organs (mammary gland, endometrium);
  • Immunotherapy using drugs that are biologically active substances (interferon, monoclonal antibodies) that stop tumour growth;
  • The use of targeted drugs that affect tumour cells, while not affecting healthy cells.

Joint treatment

With aging, the condition of the joints worsens due to mechanical damage and a slowdown in metabolic processes. The main pains in the joints:

  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Inflammation of tissues near the joint.

First of all, you need to visit a surgeon who will make a diagnosis and prescribe medication, physiotherapy or surgery.

One of the newest methods of treating serious joint injuries in Belarus is therapy with its own mesenchymal cells from the patient's adipose tissue.

Next, they prepare a special cell culture for a month, which passes quality control, and then is introduced into the area of the damaged joint. The procedure is repeated individually as the therapeutic effect weakens.

This new method was developed by the Scientific and Practical Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics in 2019, it has analogues abroad, but the cost of such an operation abroad is much more expensive.

With minor lesions joints damage, the doctor may prescribe a physiotherapeutic treatment, which includes:

  • Shock wave therapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Kinesiotherapy (warm water and a special set of exercises have a beneficial effect on the area of joints, muscles, ligaments).

Cardiovascular disease treatment

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common today. The risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease are:

  • Features of nutrition;
  • Overweight;


  • Genetics;
  • Stress.

The cardiovascular disease treatment consists of surgical intervention (if it is necessary), the life-long taking drugs of various groups (statins, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting ferment inhibitors, etc.), as well as minimizing risks in order to prevent the progression of the disease.

Sanatoriums offer services for the cardiovascular disease treatment. There are the following symptoms:

  • Secondary hypertension or hypotension;
  • Ishemia heart disease;
  • Heart weakness;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, etc.

Sanatoriums are located in picturesque places and have modern equipment, the staff is friendly and qualified.

You can evaluate the range of services and choose for yourself the most suitable:

  • Balneotherapy;
  • Hydrotherapy (shower and hydromassage);
  • Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches);
  • Ozone therapy (subcutaneous taking of a mixture of ozone and oxygen in order to reduce the risk of thrombosis);
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Barotherapy (the patient is placed in a chamber with reduced pressure, thereby causing blood oxygenation and activation of metabolic processes);
  • Dietotherapy.

Medical centers

There are a number of medical centers, hospitals and clinics in Belarus. A detailed list of the services you can find here (

Medical Rehabilitation Centers

All public and private centers offer patient rehabilitation services:

  • Consultation of a rehabilitation doctor;
  • Massage of the trunk, arms and legs, neck, head, joint area;
  • Mechanotherapy, etc.

The following patients apply to medical rehabilitation centers:

  • After a stroke;
  • After injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • With diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • With neurological pathology;
  • After hip replacement;
  • After joint replacement, etc.

Treatment in sanatoriums

The Republic of Belarus is famous for its beautiful views, large forests and clear lakes and rivers. Well-equipped and comfortable sanatoriums are located throughout the territory. Both Belarusians and citizens of other states actively use the services of spa treatment.

Sanatoriums of Belarus

The number of sanatoriums in Belarus is around 100, and about 10 offer child health services.

You can go on vacation to any region of the republic and enjoy the clean air and pacifying landscapes. You can find a detailed list of health sanatoriums in Belarus here (

Ticket to a sanatorium

An excellent gift for yourself and your loved ones will be a ticket to a sanatorium in Belarus. It can be with or without treatment. All sanatoriums offer the following services:

  • Spa;
  • Pools;
  • Gyms;
  • Saunas;
  • Hire of catamarans (if there are beaches), bicycles, equipment for barbecue;
  • Cosmetology, etc.

Ticket including treatment

If you have your results of doctor´s examination or you want to take preventive measures, you can go to Belarusian sanatoriums for spa treatment.

Ticket including treatment covers accommodation and the folowing services:

  • Mud therapy;
  • Balneotherapy;
  • Colonohydrotherapy;
  • Carbonic baths;
  • Carboxytherapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Ultrasound therapy;
  • Shock-wave apparatus therapy;
  • Ozone Therapy
  • Cosmetology and many others.

How can a foreign patient visit to Belarus for treatment?

State hospitals, scientific and practical centers, polyclinics, private medical centers, and also sanatoriums are widely represented in Belarus. Before a foreign patient goes to Belarus for treatment, it is necessary:

  1. Decide on the direction of treatment (therapeutic, surgical or rehabilitation);
  2. On the website of the Ministry of Health study the list of medical services (paid services to foreign citizens), their cost and necessary documents;
  3. Contact the clinic you are interested in;
  4. Arrive, conclude an agreement and carry out treatment.


*a one-time procedure and hospital stays are paid in advance, and then the final payment is made upon the fact.

Tickets to a sanatorium can be purchased after studying the health complex you are interested in on the institution’s website.

Prices for treatment in Belarus

Prices for treatment in Belarus are much lower than in other countries. Currently, medical tourism is actively developing (, foreign citizens are happy to come for treatment and rehabilitation, because they are impressed by the quality-to-price ratio.

On average, a visit to a doctor in Belarus will cost from $15 to $20.

A double room per day in a sanatorium - $20-50.