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Translation services Translation services

Translation services in Belarus

The official languages in Belarus are Belarusian and Russian, the latter dominating practically in all spheres of life. The Russian language is difficult to learn and remains a mystery for the vast majority of foreigners, while those who have come here to live from another country may face some language difficulties. To make your move easier, we will tell you about a translation agency, which may be needed in very different cases: from translation of personal documents to medical or technical translation.

Translation of foreign languages

English language

Belarusian translation agencies provide translations from and into English of the following documents:

  • passports;
  • certificates;
  • medical documents;
  • tax documents;
  • technical texts and so on.

It is not enough just to translate important papers, preserving the meaning of the information contained in them. It is usually necessary to provide a certified translation, and many agencies practice this approach to working with documents in English.

German language

The following documents can be translated from German:

  • passport;
  • birth, marriage or death certificate;
  • diploma;
  • certificate of criminal record;
  • certificate of absence of marriage.

German is the most commonly translated language:

  • certificate;
  • diploma;
  • birth, marriage or death certificates;
  • certificate of criminal record;
  • employment history.

Translation of a document depends on where you will be applying. Specify in advance how you will need to make a translation. Its timing and cost will depend on this.

Spanish language

Spanish is the mother tongue of several million people on the planet. In terms of the number of speakers, only Chinese is ahead of it. Translation from Spanish is in demand in Belarus, as executives, politicians, athletes and private individuals who speak Spanish come to Minsk.

Italian language

About 60 million people speak Italian. The language comes from a certain dialect of Latin. Now Italian has several dialects, so when translating documents it is important where the document is translated from or for which country.

Chinese language

Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. Chinese is a rather complex language; there are many dialects that complicate the translation. Because China plays an important role in the world economy, Chinese translations are very popular with both legal entities and individuals. The most common reason now is working in China.

Turkish language

The most common reason to translate Belarusian documents into Turkish is marriage. In order to submit a package of documents to the registry office, they must be apostilled and translated into Turkish. You should drown in the registry office in advance whether they accept Belarusian translations or not. In Turkey, some institutions refuse to accept Belarusian translations so that you can have them translated again in their country. However, this does not apply to all institutions.

French language

Most often, work/study certificates, marriage/birth certificates, passports, etc. are to be translated from French. You need to check with the institution where you are applying for the certification. If the certification is notarized, make sure that the French document bears the seal or stamp of the institution that issued it.

Technical translation

Technical translation is the translation of documents and materials with scientific and technical orientation. Examples of such materials are scientific articles on technical topics. Translation of such text should be as close to the original as possible, and deviations from the translation justified by the peculiarities of Russian language.

Technical translator should think first not to miss the semantic shades in the translation, as it can lead to distortion of information in the original source. In addition, the translator should ideally know the terminology on the subject of the text, otherwise poor quality translation will be done and the information will be distorted.

Medical translation

Medical translation is the translation of medical documents, books or publications, as well as documents of a private nature that contain information about human health.

Medical texts of any level are subject to translation: epicrises, protocols of diagnostic investigations or operations performed summaries of the results of laboratory tests, functional investigations, information for patients and doctors, recommendations on treatment, as well as publications on the activities of medical institutions and scientific articles on medical sections.

Medical translation, in addition to general knowledge of a foreign language, requires a thorough study of additional terminology and symbols accepted in the country.

Bureau of Notarial Translations

Notarized translation of passport and documents

Passport transfer is an important activity for every foreign citizen.

When you may need a passport transfer:

to obtain a residence permit;

to obtain refugee status;

for employment;

for university admission;

for real estate and investment transactions.


It is not enough to make a simple translation of a passport or documents. It is important to remember that all documents, including those that identify you, must be notarized. That is why there are translation agencies in Belarus with notarial certification. At such bureaus, a notary, who thus certifies that the document meets international requirements and standards, certifies the translator’s signature. After translation and attestation, the document is stored in the agency's database under a specially assigned number. If a previously received copy of the translation is lost, it can be easily restored by presenting the number.

Interpreter services

On this page you will find the best offices where you can translate a document of any complexity. Specialists with many years of experience and extensive experience work here, so you don't have to worry about the quality of your document translation.

Address of translation agencies and agencies

  1. NotaBene

Address: Minsk, Olsheva St. 1, office 301.

  1. Ming You

Address: 57B Surganova St., Minsk, office 131A.

  1. Linguamaster

Address: 65B Timiryazeva St., Minsk, office 1201.

  1. Avesna

Address: Minsk, Kalvariyskaya St. 1/1, office 200.

  1. Lantrading

Address: Minsk, Masherova Ave. 1, office 134.

  1. Alma Translate

Address: 23 Svobody Ave., office 89.

  1. Studia Perevodov

Address: Minsk, 4 Suhaya 4, office 21A.

If you want to be accompanied by an interpreter, or you need to translate contracts and other documents, make an apostille, check the translation, you can always count on professional service in any translation agency in Belarus. Educational institutions in Belarus do their best to train professional translators and interpreters.
