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Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies in Belarus

There are 50 higher education institutions in Belarus. Someone is finishing and going to work, but what about someone who wants to further develop in their field to whom 1 degree of higher education is not enough? That's right, there are magistracy, graduate and doctoral studies. Today we will talk about graduate school: admission, cost and duration of study.

Education in Belarus

From the very early years, Belarusian children know that they want it or not, compulsory education is still waiting for them. Is it true? And what kind of education is considered compulsory in Belarus?

The Republic of Belarus has a developed system of general secondary education. Schooling begins at the age of 6. General basic education (grades 1–9) is compulsory.

Having successfully graduated from basic school, young people have the opportunity to continue their studies in colleges, lyceums and vocational schools, where they simultaneously receive general secondary education and vocational training. Those who wish can get a general secondary education at school. With the receipt of general secondary education, you can enter a higher educational institution.

Education levels in Belarus

Basic education includes levels of pre-school, general secondary, vocational, secondary special, higher and postgraduate education. And if we figured out secondary education, then what about postgraduate education?


Few people know, but if you get a higher education, you will be a bachelor. Since Belarus has remained in the Bologna process since May 2015, we call the first degree in higher education a Bachelor's degree. There are several varieties of undergraduate degrees. On university websites, abbreviations such as BA, BSc, BAS, BFA and others can be found next to the name of the educational program. They indicate the type of undergraduate.


Master is the second stage of higher education. A master’s diploma will provide an opportunity to further study in graduate school, as well as to work both in the specialty indicated in the diploma of higher education, and in the specialty received in the master’s program.

It is also assumed that masters will receive an advantage in hiring and the opportunity to hold positions that require special experience.

Graduate school

The third degree of education is graduate school. It only makes sense to go to graduate school if your goal is to defend a candidate dissertation and obtain a candidate’s degree. Just the end of graduate school does not give any advantages and does not add any titles.

The requirement to have a higher education at the level of the Master of Science when entering graduate school in the form of a competition only applies to foreign citizens.

Graduate Schools in Belarus

In almost any university in Belarus, you can get a postgraduate degree. Look for details on the website of your university.

Among the most popular: BSU, MITSO, MGLU, BSEU, BSMU, BELGUT, etc.

Graduate School for Foreigners in Belarus

Foreign citizens are enrolled in graduate school on a paid basis without passing the entrance exam for training in full-time, part-time education or in the form of competition in accordance with the Regulation on the training of highly qualified scientists in the Republic of Belarus.

Foreign citizens entering graduate school must have a higher education at the level of master of science.

Admission to graduate school

Students entering graduate school must have:

• personal sheet for personnel records;

• autobiography;

• copies of the diploma of higher education and the extract attached to it from the test record sheet;

• copies of the master’s diploma and the extract from the test record sheet attached to it;

• copy of the certificate of passing candidate tests (differentiated tests) and candidate exams in general subjects (if any);

• recommendation of the academic council (council) or faculty of a higher education institution (for people entering postgraduate studies to receive the “Researcher” scientific qualification in the year of higher education in this institution of higher education);

• a copy of the work book or other documents confirming the length of service; application of the organization - customer of personnel (if any);

• a list and copies of published scientific papers, and in their absence - a scientific abstract on the profile of the specialty in which training is carried out in the Scientific and Practical Center;

• documents confirming participation in the implementation of research and innovation projects, copies of materials and (or) abstracts of reports at scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposiums and other similar events (if any);

• conclusion of a laboratory scientific seminar on ​​the relevance of the topic, the quality and volume of independently performed research on the topic of the thesis being prepared;

• documents giving the pre-emptive right to be enrolled in graduate school to obtain a scientific qualification "Researcher" (if any); two photographs measuring 4 x 6 cm;

• a document confirming with the President of the Republic of Belarus, the head of a state body or other state organization to carry out a dissertation research;

• a medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for applicants to universities;

Applicants entering the graduate school for obtaining a scientific qualification in full-time or extramural studies must pass candidate exams and tests in general subjects before entering graduate school.

For those who entering postgraduate for study in the correspondence form of receiving education and in the form of competition, practical experience of at least two years in positions requiring higher education is mandatory.

Acceptance of documents for graduate school is usually carried out in the summer months (at BSU, for example, from July to September). Interviews and entrance exams are held during September - October of the current year. Crediting is carried out in November - December. More precise terms should be clarified in the educational institution where you intend to enter.

Without work experience, i.e. directly in the year of graduation, graduate student may receive a recommendation from the academic council of the university or the faculty of the university.

Cost of postgraduate studies

Each university offers its own tuition fees. For example, the cost of postgraduate studies at BSU per year is 2,575.38 rubles. (full-time, part-time, competition).

A graduate student can receive education, both at the expense of the republican budget, and at the expense of organizations, individual entrepreneurs. Some graduate students pay tuition on their own.

Graduate School Duration

The term of postgraduate study with a separation from work is 3 years, without a separation from work - 4 years.

The term of postgraduate study in the form of competition is 5 years.

Popular Postgraduate Studies in Belarus

1. The pedagogical branch of science;

2. Technical sciences;

3. The medical branch of science;

4. Economic sciences;

5. Jurisprudence;

6. Political sciences.
