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Job_in_Belarus Job in Belarus

Job in Belarus

The registered unemployment rate on April 1, 2020 amounted to 0.2 percent of the labor force, and if you fall into this number, this article is obviously for you.

The times have already passed when a job could be found only by announcement or by acquaintance. In the modern world, there are many ways and offers to find work. As competition in the labor market has risen, requirements for candidates have become higher. But there is another side to the coin: if you are a good specialist, then the employer will grab you. In this article you will find the most popular job search services, as well as find out all the nuances of the labor market.

Job Search in Belarus

You graduated from the university or quit your previous job, any person sooner or later faces the issue of employment.

Services for job search in Belarus

But then the following question arises: where to start? Below is a list of websites that will take you a couple of minutes to register.

One of the most popular job search services. There is work for everyone here, as in RABOTA.TUT.BY, fresh vacancies in Minsk from direct employers in 28 professional regions are always presented. Try to find your dream job right here!

On this portal you will find the most relevant and recent vacancies of leading companies from direct employers. First of all, you need to register, and only then begin the search for vacancies. Respond to whatever you like and go to your dream job!

A job search in Belarus on is a single search among the vacancies of all the leading job portals in the Republic of Belarus. Every day the website is supplemented with new vacancies, where you will certainly find something for you. The scheme is very simple: register, and respond to the desired vacancy.

Employment Center in Belarus

In addition to the city employment center (11 Kollektornaya St.), there are employment offices in every district of Minsk, where they can answer all your questions and assist in finding a new job.

Recruiting agencies in Belarus

Given all the subtleties and nuances of the present, the demand for qualified, unique specialists is only growing, and employers are interested in quick, high-quality and guaranteed selection, because the success of their business depends on this. How to choose an agency? The first thing you should pay attention to is the rating of the agency. Try to compose it yourself, based on personal observations and reviews on the Internet. The next nuance is the cost of the services offered. Be careful, and stop at this point a little longer, since many agencies do not behave quite decently in that matter. Well, the last point is the number of job openings. The fact is that the selection of leaders is much more complicated and requires more time. In addition, not all recruiting agencies provide this type of service. So, these nuances should be clarified in advance.

Average salary by sector in Belarus

The average salary in Belarus is about 1000 rubles. But there are areas whose representatives earn above average: information services, the activities of passenger air transport, support activities in the field of financial services and insurance, as well as activities in the field of telecommunications.

How a foreigner can get a job in Belarus

In recent years, Belarus has been visited by many foreigners undergoing training. In the future, they are also interested in the possibility of employment in our country. Is it possible?

Employment of foreigners permanently residing in Belarus

When entering Belarus, you need to apply for a temporary registration. If you plan to stay longer than 90 days, then later you will have to apply for a temporary residence permit. The basis for obtaining a permit will be employment in Belarus. That is, first of all, you draw up a temporary registration, then conclude an employment contract with a Belarusian employer. After that, you can apply for a temporary residence permit.

Employment of citizens of the EAEU countries

When hiring citizens of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, one should simultaneously take into account 3 blocks of legal acts regulating:

  • labor migration within the CIS (i.e. international agreements on the legal status of labor migrants in the CIS);
  • labor migration of citizens of EAEU member states;
  • bilateral relations (for example, bilateral agreements with the Russian Federation).

Necessary documents for employment

Documents that you need to have with you for employment in Belarus for a foreign citizen:

• identity document (required);

• for foreigners permanently residing in Belarus - residence permit;

• if you are a refugee - a refugee certificate;

• temporarily residing and temporarily staying in Belarus provide a document for traveling abroad. This may be a national passport or other document intended for traveling abroad. For example, a foreign passport, work book.

Employment history:

If a foreigner takes a job in Belarus for the first time, then the employer starts a workbook for him. If you have a workbook issued in your country, you can show it in Belarus. However, it will be needed only to obtain information about your work experience. The employer will still have a Belarusian workbook for you.

• a document of education or a document of training confirming the right to perform this work (required);

When applying for a job where special education is required, a foreigner, like any other job seeker, needs to confirm that he has such an education. For example, a university diploma. If you have the necessary document, but not issued in Belarus, you will have to legalize it. That is, get a certificate of recognition of this document and the establishment of its equivalence  with the Belarusian diploma. Such a certificate is issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of an expert opinion of the State Institution “Republican Institute of Higher Education”.

Special permit for the right to work

According to the law, in order to go to work in Belarus, a foreigner must obtain a special permit for the right to engage in labor activities in the Republic of Belarus. Special permits are issued at the request of the employer of the Republic of Belarus in the name of a specific foreign citizen.

In this statement, in addition to other data, the employer must justify the need to attract a foreigner to the vacancy available to the employer. When describing the justification for the need to hire a foreign citizen, the employer should also indicate what measures he has taken to search for citizens of Belarus for an available job, for example, about sending him information about vacancies to the employment department of the labor, employment and social authorities protection of the population.

Other documents

In addition to these documents, sometimes other documents that are relevant to the work may be required. This can be a driver’s license, certificate of specialization, etc. The employer must also inform you of such documents.
