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Insurance Insurance

Insurance in Belarus

It is important that everyone feels safe and confident that they will receive the assistance they need in case of emergency. For this purpose, people prefer to insure themselves and their property, while foreigners temporarily staying in the country must have insurance. If you did not know about the insurance policy or forgot about it, you can always fill out forms, apply for it and get insurance upon arrival.

Is insurance needed for visit in Belarus?

Foreign citizens, who come to Belarus, should have health insurance for at least €10 thousand. You can buy it both from Belarusian insurance companies and from accredited foreign organizations. The insurance policy should cover Belarus and be valid for the entire period of a foreign citizen's stay in the country.

The foreigner should also pay for the obligatory state insurance, the price of which depends on the length of the visit. If you come to the country for 3-4 days, you must pay €2, and if you come for a year, €85.

Insurance for Belarusian citizens

In Belarus, mandatory insurance does not apply to all aspects of life. For Belarusians insurance of their buildings, vehicles, insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases is mandatory.

Insurance in Belarus for Russians

In 2006, an agreement was signed between Russia and Belarus under which a Russian compulsory health insurance policy is in force in the Republic. Accordingly, Russians do not need insurance to travel to Belarus. Russian citizens are provided with ambulance service in Belarus free of charge, but they have to pay for hospitalization.

The law on insurance

Act on professional retirement insurance

According to the Belarusian legislation, the professional retirement insurance is valid for full-time employees working underground, in jobs with particularly harmful and difficult working conditions.

Compulsory insurance

Mandatory car insurance

Car insurance allows you to reduce the cost of repairing your car in the event of accidents, theft or your own mistake on the road.

Mandatory car insurance includes the following types of transport:

  • passenger cars;
  • lorries;
  • cargo-passenger cars;
  • vans;
  • haulers;
  • trailers and semi-trailers.

Mandatory state insurance

Mandatory state insurance is based on Belarusian legislation. It covers the life, health and property insurance of citizens.

Mandatory health insurance

Mandatory health insurance applies to employees of all organizations. It is intended to compensate employees who have had unforeseen circumstances at work: occupational illness, accident and so on.

Compulsory building insurance

Compulsory building insurance was designed to protect the financial interests of citizens who permanently reside in private homes. The insured events are destruction of buildings as a result of strong wind, hail, rain, snow, frost, heat, fall of aircraft, fire, lightning strike, heating system failure and so on.

Types of insurance in the Republic of Belarus

Accident insurance

Any citizen of Belarus can insure himself against accidents or diseases. They are often insured against injuries or if they undergo surgery (except outpatient surgery).

Pregnancy and childbirth insurance

Such insurance is provided to new mothers and babies to reduce costs in the event of complications for mother and child.

Life and health insurance

Health insurance will help you cope with any unforeseen health disorder or threat to life without significant costs.

Liability insurance

Here the object of insurance is property interest. The insurance shall be paid out if the Insured has been caused damage to the person or property of a third party.

Retirement insurance

Additional retirement insurance will help any Belarusian to secure a decent increase in his retirement.

Home insurance

Home insurance will reimburse the owners of private houses or cottages for part of the restoration money in case of unforeseen weather conditions or other accidents.

Health insurance

Health insurance in Belarus

Voluntary medical insurance is gaining popularity in Belarus every year, especially in organizations with teams of 20 and above. Thanks to this type of insurance the company can reduce staff turnover, increase its attractiveness in the eyes of employees and job seekers.

Health insurance policy

Medical expenses insurance policy provides for the organization and payment of medical services in accordance with the selected insurance program, and its contributions are included in the cost of production and sale of products, works or services.

State retirement insurance

The state retirement education covers civil aviation flight and flight testing staff, pilots, flight operators and flight attendants, female tractor drivers, passenger transport drivers, certain categories of theatre actors, sportsmen, etc.

Car insurance

Car insurance for entering and travelling to Belarus

When planning a trip to Belarus by car, remember that you need to conclude a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners "Green card". This will entitle the car to enter the territory of Belarus.

Foreign nationals usually take out an insurance policy on the territory of their own country, but if you do not manage to do so, you will be able to take out a border insurance policy at all border crossing points. Such an agreement, like "Green card", should be concluded for the whole planned period of stay in Belarus, but not less than 15 days. Insurance companies operate 24 hours a day and accept payments in Euro, US dollars or Russian rubles.

Russian car insurance

Russian car insurance in Belarus is mandatory and more expensive.

Penalty for driving without insurance

  1. A citizen who for some reason has not insured his car will pay 5 basic units or 135 Belarusian rubles to the budget.
  2. If the uninsured car is the culprit of the accident, the fine is equal to 10 basic units or 270 Belarusian rubles.
  3. If the owner has allowed the car without insurance to another person, a fine of 4 (108 Belarusian rubles) to 25 (675 Belarusian rubles) basic units will be imposed.
  4. If a car registered outside Belarus is not insured, the fine will be 20 basic units or 540 Belarusian rubles.

Accumulative insurance

Accumulation insurance is a combined financial instrument that combines 2 services: accumulation and risk insurance.

The client selects the terms and conditions of the contract by himself:

  • term of insurance: at least 3 years;
  • list of insured events: age, health damage, disability, death;
  • currency of insurance: BYN or currency equivalent (USD, EUR, RUB);
  • minimum amount of insurance premium: from 30 BYN;
  • periodicity of payment: monthly, quarterly, annual or lump sum.

State social insurance

Card, social security certificate

The Social Insurance Certificate simplifies the procedure of retirement registration, ensures the reliability of data for its calculation and makes the whole social insurance system more understandable and accessible to every citizen of Belarus.

Insurance contract

In order to conclude an insurance contract, you need to leave an application on the website of the selected company and apply to its division. The contract is signed on the basis of a written application of the policyholder.

Buy insurance

You can buy insurance in any private Belarusian company or in Belgosstrah.

Every insurance company in Belarus has a website that you can go to 24 hours a day, as well as call the hotline or ask your question to a virtual online consultant.
