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Признание белорусских дипломов за границей Recognition of Belarusian diplomas abroad

Recognition of Belarusian diplomas abroad

Belarusian education has long earned trust outside our republic. Many foreign citizens have long been sitting at the desks of our universities, since having received a Belarusian education, they can safely work abroad. But are Belarusian graduates valued everywhere? What exams do you need to know? And is it worth it for Belarusian applicants to go abroad to receive a quality education? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Belarus in the Bologna process

On May 14, 2015, our country on the second attempt joined the European Higher Education Area. But what is it and what are the advantages we got from it? This is an attempt to make higher education systems of European countries understandable to each other, to make education and subsequently work in different countries of Europe easily accessible, not only in the one where he studied at the university.

What is necessary for recognition of a Belarusian diploma?

At the moment Belarusian diplomas are not always recognized abroad. If for example some IT companies evaluate the BSUIR diploma as high-quality, then most of the other diplomas can be in question. In the best case you may be asked to prove knowledge by going through a commission where they will evaluate the level of training. It can also be additional exams for a fee. Regarding each diploma, the decision is made individually. The greatest number of questions is presented to graduates of medical schools, as the Belarusian educational structure in this area is very different from the European one.

Those interested in an international diploma can also pay attention to MBA programs. To study there, you must have a diploma of higher education.

Belarusian bachelor's degrees are recognized in EU countries, but there are no master's and candidate's degrees.

Countries in which a Belarusian diploma is recognized

In the Shanghai ranking of universities, Belarusian universities are not presented. Another prestigious rating found a place only for BSU and in the 9th hundred.

Today a Belarusian diploma, not counting Ecuador, is recognized in eighteen countries. Among them are Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkmenistan. In the future, such an agreement should be signed with Turkey.

Job search with a Belarusian diploma in Europe

According to the Ministry of Health, about 200 Belarusian doctors leave to work abroad annually. In reality, their number may be greater, because the statistics do not take into account those who went to work in Russia.

Many graduates leave for the Czech Republic, Poland and Russia, but a diploma does not always play a major role. It's great if you have a document on education, it can be confirmed, but this is not the main criterion for hiring. Your personal qualities are more important. It is unlikely that a diploma will help you if you are not an expert in your field, or if you simply didn’t like the boss at the interview. A good employee is distinguished by ambitiousness, aspiration, self-confidence, responsibility and many other qualities.

Mutual Recognition Agreement

An agreement on mutual recognition and equivalence of documents on education, academic degrees and titles between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation was signed in 1992, with Ukraine on 02/06/1998, with the People's Republic of China on 05/23/2019, with Kazakhstan on 11/24/1998, with Poland 04/28/2005, with Vietnam 09/27/2007, with Turkmenistan 01/25/2010, with the Republic of Azerbaijan 07/08/2011, with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 10/05/2016, with the Republic of Ecuador 05/22/2017.

The agreement of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the mutual recognition of documents on higher education was signed on 05/31/2013.

National Recognition Center

 If your document is subject to international treaties or the university you graduated from is included in the list of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, then the recognition procedure is not required for you.

Otherwise, you will have to go through the document recognition procedure.

Having arrived at the National Recognition Center, you must take the following documents with you:

1. The document and a copy of the identity document of the applicant;

2. The original document on education and its annex (For some countries, the procedure for legalizing the document is required);

3. Documents confirming the change of name (if the name in the passport and the document on education do not match);

4. The applicant is entitled to provide additional evidence of his preparation:

• documents on previous education (school certificate or college diploma, bachelor’s diploma, master’s diploma, etc.);

• an archival certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of training and the issuance of a document (training period, direction / qualification, details of the received education certificate, etc.);

• copies of the license and accreditation (certification) of the educational program and educational organization;

• copies of documents on advanced training, assignment of a category (class), labor activity;

• other documents that you consider necessary to provide as evidence of your preparation.

The cost of recognition of a Belarusian diploma

In Poland, each university establishes payment on its own, and, as practice shows, the price can vary between 2,000 - 6,000 zlotys.

Unfortunately, the costs may increase as well. The university has the right to request qualification work, on the basis of which a diploma was issued, with its translation into Polish at the expense of the applicant.

In Germany, the procedure will cost 200 euros for the first certificate, and 100 euros for the subsequent in the case of several specialties or loss.

If you are engaged in the nostrification of a diploma in the Czech Republic yourself it will cost about 200 €. The services of an intermediary company will cost up to 500 €.

Passing an exam for recognition of a Belarusian diploma

The Polish Council of Ministers adopted amendments to the law on doctors and dentists, which entered into force on April 1, 2020. It provides a new way of testing knowledge for those who have received a diploma outside the European Union. For such specialists, a medical or dental verification exam is introduced, the passage of which gives the right to engage in medical activities (but not scientific or educational). This will replace the nostrification of the diploma.

All exams depend on your specialty and diploma. Nostrification is a rather individual process, but you should be prepared for the exam to check all your knowledge gained at the university, so it’s worth to prepare responsibly.

Recognition of the quality of the Belarusian diploma by foreign countries

Do not confuse nostrification and apostille.

 Apostille is a recognition of the authenticity of a foreign document (diploma). But not a confirmation of the knowledge and qualifications. For example, an apostilled Belarusian doctor’s diploma confirms that the document is genuine, but will not give the right to work as a doctor in Poland if nostrification is not carried out.

Please note that for nostrification, the law does not require apostilization, but this procedure may be requested by the council considering the issue.
