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Tourism in Belarus

Opinions rule the world. Everybody has a point of view to share, and everybody demands to be heard. We say – come and have it. Have your own opinion on Belarus.
No, really, the country is a dark horse in the stables of vaunted European travel destinations, it has only recently opened up to the world, and it opened up big time. The visas, that used to be so hard to obtain, are now out of the picture at all, the prices for living, driving, travelling, clubbing and eating are so low almost anyone can afford to spend a couple of lazy do-nothing days in the center of the capital. So. What do you do in this case? You don’t have to save up the whole year to take an amazing trip to the foreign country, you can wake up, buy a plane ticket and get down there by Friday. Which leaves you so little time to plan your trip! No Audio guide, no Free Walking Barcelona, no English signs (well, not everywhere) or Euros. How do you deal with your tourist map in a country that sometimes has less experience with tourists than your mom with guests for Christmas dinner?

Don’t worry, we got you! That’s why we are here – to introduce the country with all its charm and wonders to you! First thing you have to learn – and this is true – the Belarussian are very friendly and hospitable. Although it is a nice way to say they are tolerant and sort of inert, they are actually rather broadminded, and most of the youth and adult population speaks English. This especially concerns cities, and most of the touristic sites. You are welcome to learn more on the most visited spots of the country at our website. You can find all the necessary information in such articles as Top 10 Places to Visit in Belarus, Places to see in Belarus in summer, Places to visit in winter, Summer weekend outside the city, etc. What is so good about it, is that not only we tell you where to go, but what to do once you arrive there. In so doing you will never find yourself in a crowd with cameras and colored hats to make a bunch of photos and rush to get the best seat at the buffet. This is not what Belarus is about.

The country is a surprising mixture of meditative nature and comfy cabins, of globalist youth and proud olds, of forest smell to relish and stories to absorb, of the past to preserve and the wounds to heal, it’s not a grotesque marching song to take you over, but a melody to swing you to the clouds.
Not to get carried away, we should say there’s just as much practical advice on the country’s areas of strength to be found on our website, in various articles on medical tourism, local cuisine, hunting and fishing in Belarus, local and international festivals and multi-dimensional events, sports and healthy living events, clubs, bars, museums, skansens (open-air museums and zoos), ski resorts, castles and fortresses, lots of historical places with the memory of World War II as it is from the inside of the post-Soviet country, water parks and diving spots (yes, diving, and even underwater hunting!) etc.
Point is – Belarus has a lot to offer, and we have a lot to share with you on this. And yes, we have an opinion.