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Colleges of Belarus

In Belarus, right after school it is possible to get a profession and you don't have to study at the university for 4-5 years. After the 9th or 11th grade a graduate can go straight to college. The educational process lasts from 1 to 3 years on full-time basis, and the cost of education is lower than at the university. At the end of college, you can continue to study at university for a short time or go to work.

How enter college in Belarus?

You can go to college after 9 or 11 grade. Grade 9 graduates will not be able to go to college in some specialties because they will not have enough luggage for knowledge. These are, for example, medical specialties, Emergencies Ministry or some technical specialties. To enter such specialties, you need knowledge that is taught in grades 10-11, i.e. at the level of general secondary education.

To enter after 9th grade, you need to pass the competition for the average score of a certificate or pass entrance exams for creative or sports specialties. After 9th grade, students study from 2 years 10 months to 3 years 10 months and only in the full-time department.

Grade 11 graduates can enter any college and any specialty. To do this, you must take two courses in CT, for example, in medical specialties, or pass the average grade certificate competition. The length of study after grade 11 is from 1 year 10 months to 2 years 10 months in full-time education or up to 4 years in part-time education. At the college after the 11th grade, a student can also study in the evening form.

Entry to colleges of Belarus

Passage points

College passes can only be seen in the past year. Passing points are formed on the basis of the results of admission to training.

You can see passing scores on the budget and paid basis of training on the official sites of colleges.

Scholarships in colleges of Belarus

Scholarships are awarded only to students who study on a budget form.

Students studying in the fields of "Art and Design", "Humanities", "Communications. Law. Economics. Management. Economics and production organization", "Social protection", "Physical culture. Tourism and Hospitality":

  • 64 rubles 37 cents - average score 6.0 - 6.9, as well as in the first semester;
  • 70 rubles 81 cents - if the average grade point is from 7.0 to 7.9;
  • 83 rubles 68 cents - if the average grade point is from 8.0 to 8.9;
  • 96 rubles 56 cents - if the average grade point is from 9.0 to 10.0.

Students studying in the fields of "Pedagogy" profile:

  • 64 rubles 37 cents - if the average grade point is from 6.0 to 6.9, as well as in the first semester;
  • 77 rubles 24 cents - if the average grade point is from 7.0 to 7.9;
  • 90 rubles 12 cents - if the average grade point is from 8.0 to 8.9;
  • 102 rubles 99 cents - if the average grade point is from 9.0 to 10.0.

Students studying in the fields of "Agriculture and Forestry. Garden and park construction", "Health care", "Public catering. Household services", "Security services", "Technology and technology", "Architecture and construction":

  • 64 rubles 37 cents - if the average grade point of achievement is from 5.0 to 5.9, as well as in the first semester;
  • 77 rubles 24 cents - if the average grade point is from 6.0 to 7.9;
  • 90 rubles 12 cents - if the average grade point is from 8.0 to 8.9;
  • 102 rubles 99 cents - if the average grade point is from 9.0 to 10.0.

The specified amounts of scholarships are increased by 1.5 times:

  • to the disabled of groups I and II;
  • disabled children with III and IV degree of loss of health;
  • disabled persons with combat operations on the territory of other States.

Holidays in colleges

Colleges have six months of study, at the end of which students take a session and go on vacation. College students have a vacation twice a year: in winter and in summer. In the last year of study, students are in technological practice from January to March, and from May to June – pre-degree.

What kind of colleges are in Belarus?

In Belarus, there are colleges of all directions:

  • agrarian colleges;
  • architectural colleges;
  • colleges of light industry;
  • technological colleges;
  • economic colleges;
  • law colleges;
  • colleges of communication;
  • aviation colleges;
  • colleges of art;
  • medical colleges;
  • motorcycle colleges;
  • forestry engineering and others.

Colleges in Belarus: colleges in different cities

Brest and Brest region

  1. Brest College
  2. College of Business and Law
  3. Lyakhovich State Agrarian College
  4. Pinsk College
  5. Baranovichi State College of Light Industry
  6. Baranovichi State College of Music
  7. Baranovichi State College
  8. Brest State College of Communication
  9. Brest State College of Service Industry
  10. Brest State Medical College
  11. Brest State College of Commerce and Technology
  12. Kobrin State Polytechnic College
  13. Pinsk State Agrarian Technical College
  14. Pinsk State College of Art
  15. Baranovichi College of Economics and Law

Vitebsk and Vitebsk region

  1. Agrarian College
  2. Vitebsk State Polytechnic College
  3. Vitebsk State College of Communication
  4. Vitebsk State Technological College
  5. Polotsk State Medical College
  6. Vitebsk State Industrial and Technological College
  7. Vitebsk State College of Culture and Arts
  8. Vitebsk State Medical College
  9. City State Agrarian and Technical College
  10. Novopolotsk State Polytechnic College
  11. Orsha State Agrarian College
  12. Polotsk State College of Economics
  13. Postavy State College

Gomel and the Gomel region

  1. Buda-Koshelev State Agrarian Technical College
  2. Gomel State Agrarian and Technical College
  3. Gomel State Agrarian and Economic College
  4. Gomel State College of Arts
  5. Gomel State Engineering College
  6. Gomel State Medical College
  7. Gomel State Pedagogical College
  8. Gomel College of Commerce and Economics
  9. Zhlobin State Metallurgical College
  10. Leov State Pedagogical College
  11. Mozyr State Medical College
  12. Mozyr State Polytechnic College
  13. Rechitsa State Agrarian College
  14. Rechitsa State Pedagogical College
  15. Svetlogorsk State Industrial College

Grodno and Grodno region

  1. College of Volkovysk
  2. College of Humanities
  3. Technology College
  4. Volkovysk State Agrarian College
  5. Grodno College of Economics and Management
  6. Grodno State College of Art
  7. Grodno State College of Technology, Technology and Design
  8. Grodno State Medical College
  9. Grodno State College of Music
  10. Grodno State Polytechnic College
  11. Zhirovichi State Agrarian Technical College
  12. Lida State College of Music.
  13. Novogrudok State Agrarian College
  14. Oshmyany State Agrarian and Economic College
  15. Slonim State Medical College
  16. Grodno College of Business and Law


  1. Minsk City Pedagogical College
  2. Belarusian State Medical College
  3. Minsk State College of Arts
  4. Minsk State College of Light Industry Technology and Design
  5. Minsk State College of Electronics
  6. Minsk State Medical College
  7. Minsk State College of Music
  8. Minsk State Art College
  9. Minsk State Energy College
  10. BSU College of Law
  11. College of Business and Law
  12. Minsk College of Business

Mogilev and Mogilev region

  1. Architecture and Civil Engineering College
  2. Gorky Pedagogical College
  3. Bobruisk State College of Mechanics and Technology
  4. Social-Humanitarian College
  5. Bobruisk State Medical College
  6. Bobruisk State College of Technology
  7. Zhylichy State Agricultural College
  8. Klimovichi State Agrarian College
  9. Klichevsk State Agrarian and Technical College
  10. Mogilev State College of Arts
  11. Mogilev State Medical College
  12. Mogilev State College of Music
  13. Mogilev State Polytechnic College

Top 10 Colleges of Belarus

We have studied to which of the colleges graduates of the schools apply the most and made up the top 10 colleges of Belarus. Below you can find the most popular colleges among applicants and students.

  1. Minsk College of Entrepreneurship
  2. Belarusian State Medical College
  3. Linguistic-Humanitarian College at MSLU
  4. Minsk State College of Arts
  5. Minsk State College of Architecture and Construction. BNTU branch
  6. Minsk State Polytechnic College. BNTU branch
  7. Minsk State Technological College. BNTU branch
  8. Minsk State Vocational College of Railway Transport
  9. Minsk Trade College. BSEU branch
  10. Minsk State Energy College

College is an opportunity to quickly get an interesting profession and in 2-3 years start working in your profession. We have provided full information about colleges in Belarus, and you just have to choose the right one.
