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automobile in Belarus Car purchase in Belarus

Car purchase in Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus foreign citizens can buy a car and register the car in their names only if they have a temporary residence permit or permanent residence permit. In other cases, (for example, if a foreign citizen has a visa only) it will be impossible for him to register a car in the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate (and to get a number plate for the car).

Below we have tried to explain the full procedure of a car purchase in Belarus. We will consider here 2 situations: when a foreign citizen buys a brand new car and a used car.

Purchase of new car in Belarus

Visiting a dealer outlet or showroom (you can find car dealers here)

You should have your passport and official notarized translation of the passport. Dealer will prepare a sale and purchase agreement and give you invoice.

Useful information:

• In 99.9 % cases all taxes and customs duties for the car should have been paid by your dealer.
• You can pay for the car only in Belarusian rubles. If you want to pay in USD/EUR, you should discuss it with your dealer!

Invoice payment

Ask your dealer in which bank it is better to pay for his invoice (dealer will advise you which bank will take small commission or will not take a commission at all).

Obtaining of car documents

The dealer will provide you a full package of documents for the car registration in the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate including the confirmation document that all taxes and duties have been paid by them.

Car registration in the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate

You should come to the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate and register your car. If you stay in Minsk the car should be registered in Minsk Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate, if you stay outside Minsk – the car should be registered there accordingly.

In addition to the documents that you receive from your dealer you have to take the following documents with you:

• Original passport;
• Notarized translation of the passport;
• Insurance for the car (the list of insurance companies you can find here).

When you submit all documents you will need to pay a state fee for the car registration. If you want to have a nice number plate for the car, you can pay the additional state fee and get it (actually in this case you can choose the number plate for the car yourself).

Usually if you apply for the car registration in the morning then in the afternoon you can come to the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate back and take the number plate for your car as well as all documents related to it.

The Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate will issue you the following documents:

• Certificate of Registration;
• Certificate of State Technical Inspection of Vehicle.

Technical inspection of car

After you received all above mentioned documents you have to pass a sort of technical inspection. If your car is new then the technical inspection will take only some minutes. You have to go to one of the car service stations, pay a certain sum of money of a state fee and you will get a stamp in your Certificate of State Technical Inspection of Vehicle and a special sticker that should be put on the windshield.

Purchase of used car

Sale and purchase agreement

You should meet the owner of the car in the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate and sign a sale and purchase agreement there (an officer will help you to prepare an agreement). At the same time you should pay the owner his money.

Car registration in the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate

As a new owner of the car in addition to sale and purchase agreement you should provide the following document to the officer of the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate:

• Original passport;
• Notarized translation of the passport;
• Insurance for the car (the list of insurance companies you can find here).

When you submit all documents you will need to pay a state fee for the car registration. If you want to have a nice number plate for the car, you can pay the additional state fee and get it (actually in this case you can choose the number plate for the car yourself).

Usually if you apply for the car registration in the morning then in the afternoon you can come to the Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate back and take the number plate for your car as well as all documents related to it.

The Interdistrict Registration-Examinational Office of the State Automobile Inspectorate will issue you the following documents:

• Certificate of Registration;
• Certificate of State Technical Inspection of Vehicle.

Technical inspection of car

After you received all above mentioned documents you have to pass a sort of technical inspection. If your car is new then the technical inspection will take only some minutes. You have to go to one of the car service stations, pay a certain sum of money of a state fee and you will get a stamp in your Certificate of State Technical Inspection of Vehicle and a special sticker that should be put on the windshield.

Here you can see some websites where you can buy used cars in Belarus:


If you are looking for a new car please press here to see the list of car showrooms.