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cleaning Cleaning

Cleaning companies: cleaning of apartments and premises

Today, many services have become more affordable. This applies to taxis, restaurants, and now cleaning services. You do not have to be a domineering person to afford the services of cleaning companies. It would seem: “Why I can not clean my house myself. Why do I need a company cleaning? ” In everyday life, yes, but they provide not only house cleaning services, they also save your home after a fire, dry clean upholstered furniture and carpets, and this is not a complete list of their services. Therefore, today we will talk about the best cleaning companies in Minsk, and tell you what services they offer.

Cleaning Services

You will probably be able to sweep the floor yourself, but what if you got caught up in work, and a cottage on several floors still asks for wet cleaning. We have advice on this matter - use the services of cleaning services. Now we will discuss what they offer.

Cleaning cottages and apartments

In this standard procedure, you get:

• Cleaning the refrigerator;

• Microwave cleaning;

• Cleaning the oven;

• Cleaning the hood;

• washing dishes;

• Window cleaning;

• Cleaning on the balcony;

• Cleaning of kitchen cabinets;

• Ironing;

• Cleaning after the cat.

Industrial mountaineering

Such a service includes services such as:

• Washing of stained-glass windows and windows in high-rise buildings by industrial climbers.

• Washing of vertical peaks, canopies, roofs, advertising signs.

• Washing facades at a height, washing the walls of buildings and structures.

• Washing of ceilings and ventilation structures of various workshops and industrial premises.

Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture and carpets

The ability of upholstered furniture and carpets to decorate the interior, to provide comfort and coziness is undeniable. But during operation, contaminants appear on the furnishings, dust accumulates in the filler and upholstery. There are many household cleaning products, but it will not be possible to clean items yourself by 100%. This requires professional equipment and special technologies.

Cleaning after a fire

Typically, cleaning a house after a fire involves the following steps:

• Garbage collection and removal;

• Carrying out the dismantling of building structures;

• Cleaning the surface of soot;

• Removing the smell of burning;

• Finishing cleaning, preparing the room for repair.

Window cleaning

Cleaning of plastic windows after repair is carried out in several stages and includes:

• preliminary removal of dirt and dust from window frames and window sills;

• rinsing glass surfaces with a specialized solution;

• removal of stubborn contaminants from the glass surface;

• direct washing of window frames, ebbs and window sills;

• polishing glass and mirror surfaces.

Office and industrial premises cleaning

Professional complex cleaning of premises implies a complete general cleaning of rooms of any scale.

Companies offer you various types of services:

• Disinfection of premises;

• Vacuum cleaning;

•  Spring-cleaning;

• Maintenance cleaning;

• One-time cleaning after repair.

Cleaning companies in Minsk

The services of cleaning companies are very important, and now available. But what services worth trusting? Below is a list of companies whose assistance should not be refused.

Clean up

Clean Up began its journey in 2014 before the World Hockey Championship. In the first 2 years, they served more than 300 legal entities, not counting private apartments. They took part in the opening of the Renaissance Hotel, cleaning up after repairing 2 floors in the WarGaming office, and prepared 14 cafes and restaurants for opening. Then they began to further develop the direction of one-time cleanings for legal entities and in 2017 crossed the mark of 2000 orders. And in 2019, the 3000th contract was signed.

The staff consists of young and very active employees who have certificates of training in cleaning and window cleaning. Now each clinician has more than 1 year experience. The company provides a full range of cleaning services, because it has a large number of equipment for personal use: 9 vacuum cleaners, 12 professional window sets, 4 steam generators, 2 air cleaners, 2 rotary machines, 1 round tower for 7 tiers, about 50 varieties of special equipment.

Bycleaning is a team of idealists and perfectionists. Their main position: if you work, then for the conscience, if you remove, then to a shine. Therefore, customers are always satisfied with the cleaning carried out by trained specialists.

The speed and quality of cleaning services depends on many factors: from the degree of “neglect” of the facility and the type of pollution to the weather outside, when it comes to outdoor cleaning. Therefore, before you name the price and take up the order, cleaning specialists prefer to see and evaluate the amount of work with their own eyes. However, this is not always enough: often there are situations when the "pitfalls" appear even while working on the object. This is not a big deal, however, when ordering cleaning services, one should be prepared for the fact that even an experienced specialist can not always evaluate by eye how much dirt has been eaten into one or another surface.

You can find prices for services from specialists by phone on the company's website. There are also attached photos of the work performed so that you evaluate the degree of preparedness of the company for your order.


CleanOff is a team of professionals who have extensive experience in cleaning various rooms. The main goal of the company is to provide customers with the highest quality service and save their time.

Work principles:

• Security guarantee. Cliners are carefully selected: interviewing, teaching theory, testing knowledge in practice.

•Quality of work. Cleaning service Cleanoff provides a one-time and regular professional cleaning. Check lists have been developed for each type of cleaning. At work, tools and chemicals that are harmless to the environment and humans are used.

•Low price. The company has developed a competitive cost of services that allows you to create long-term relationships with customers. They also accept cashless payments from legal entities. persons, and the calculation is made 1 time per month, without requiring prepayments and payments after each cleaning.

Best cleaning

BestCleaning is ready to offer customers high-quality cleaning of any type of premises. It has all the necessary tools and detergents at disposal, the work is done by clinics with many years of experience, and this approach allows you to deal with pollution of any degree of complexity. Their main advantage is affordable prices. And the services provided by the company can satisfy any client.

On the company's website you will find a complete list of services, prices, photos and contacts.

Chistyi Kit

Chistyi Kit company operates in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. The first office was opened in Minsk in 2016. The company is engaged in cleaning apartments and offices, cleaning after repair, dry cleaning of furniture and maintenance of public events.

Why choose Chistyi Kit?

• Reasonable prices;

• Fast and convenient order;

• Experienced team;

• Good or free cleaning;

• Public contract;

•        Gift certificates;

•        Bonus program.

Get clean

While a GetClean housekeeper is cleaning up your home, you do your favorite things.

In the room:

• Stack clothes and arrange things;

• Make up a bed or change bed linen;

• Wipe all accessible surfaces, switches, doors and door handles;

• Wipe household appliances;

• Clean mirrors and glass surfaces;

• Vacuum the carpets, wash the floor and wipe the baseboards.

A detailed list of services can be found on the company's website.

How to order a cleaning service in Minsk?

Everything is very simple. Visit the website, fill out the form, the manager contacts you, you set a date, meet the cleaner and enjoy cleaning.
