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Firms providing goods certification services

Firms providing goods certification services

Certification of goods in Belarus is a rather responsible and long process. It will be difficult to obtain a supporting document without knowledge of the basic aspects. Therefore, we have compiled basic information about the process and a list of companies that can help you.

What is product certification?

Certification of goods is an event during which the quality and compliance of the promised properties of the goods with the requirements of international standards is confirmed. The procedure is necessary for the sale of products in the country of sale.

Products requiring mandatory certification

To find out if your product is subject to mandatory certification, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of such goods in the regulations of the Customs Union.

Mandatory certification is required for the following products:

• Household electrical appliances;

• Televisions and radios;

• Slot machines and related items;

• Goods working with light;

• Means of communication;

• Equipment designed for voltages over 1000V;

• Computers;

• Fire safety equipment;

• Weapon in any form;

• Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products, etc.

Product testing for certification

Product testing is carried out according to a single protocol of sanitary-epidemiological and clinical requirements.

All tests have one task - to obtain an assessment of the quality of a product using the artificial influence of external factors on an object. Upon completion of the tests, it is determined:

• Product safety for human life;

• Product safety for the environment;

• Compliance of the required indicators with the conditions of use;

• Resistance of the product to external factors.

Product certification schemes

The certification scheme is the composition and sequence of actions of special bodies in assessing the conformity of products, quality systems and personnel.

Special bodies independently choose the scheme, taking into account the peculiarities of production, testing, delivery and use of products, as well as the required level of evidence.

Voluntary certification schemes are determined by the product certification body in agreement with the applicant.

Services of companies for certification of goods

Certification is an event that assumes the necessary knowledge of legislation and the ability to use them. To simplify this process, most manufacturers turn to specialized firms where experienced staff can help with certification issues.

Any procedure must be supported by a certain package of documents, including:

• application to the certification body;

• copies of papers indicating the origin of products, and other shipping documentation;

• papers on technical characteristics and operating rules;

• acts confirming the performed examinations and tests with samples;

• papers indicating that the product meets safety standards.

The actions suggested by the RB certification are practically the same as those in other countries. The regulations are the same for everyone, but may have some deviations in cases of exception.

Certification will open up new opportunities and prospects for the company, and experienced professionals can easily help complete the procedure.

Product certification websites

The company is engaged in certification of goods in Belarus in a short time. Here customers will be able to test their products and order a certification service.

The company works with the following products:

• Food products;

• Nutritional supplements;

• Alcohol;

• Perfumes and cosmetics;

• Electrical goods;

• Energy efficiency;

• Cars and equipment;

• Packaging;

• Products for children and adolescents;

• Goods of light industry;

• Toys;

• Personal protective equipment.

All details can be found on the official website of the company.


The company provides certification and standardization services on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the EAEU. The company's employees work only according to legal schemes and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The company is deeply convinced that the main procedure is - correctly selected type samples. In the case of working with illiterate specialists, you can overpay for events several times.

The price for testing the 1st sample is 300-400 rubles, and the difference with other organizations can reach 1000 rubles. No relevant body will reduce your cost, but the specialists of the company certificates.bel will be able to legally influence the decisions of certification experts.

The company is ready to take on all your worries related to product certification, state registration and testing, including the process of collecting documents, drawing up an appropriate package for submission to certification authorities.

Each specialist of the company is a professional in his field who knows all the intricacies of work in the field of certification of products, services and state (hygienic) registration of products.

The company provides the following services:

• product certification;

• certification of services;

• state registration of products;

• sanitary and hygienic examination of foreign products;

• "temporary" certificates for customs clearance of goods;

• development of Design and Technological Documentation, etc.

The full list of services and the price list can be found on the company's website.

The company provides services for certification and declaration of goods.

The list of company services includes:

• consultation about the product;

• Consultation on the conditions and amounts of payment for services;

• Registration of an application for product certification in Belarus;

• Control over the passage of the application in the certification body of goods;

• Discussion of the conditions for certification of goods in the Republic of Belarus, certification schemes and other stages;

• Ensuring the submission of technical documents and product samples to the testing laboratory;

• Control over the passage of documents in the certification body;

• Organization of work on voluntary certification of products in the Republic of Belarus;

• Consultation on the validity periods of certificates of conformity and declarations.

The company offers the following services:

• Analysis of the application, proposal of a form for confirming the quality and safety of products;

• Conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services;

• Filling in the necessary documents based on the information provided;

• Resolving controversial issues in the field of conformity confirmation without your participation;

• Handing over a set of documents to confirm legitimate sales in the field of quality control and safety of products, works, services;

• Implementation of post-contractual service.

Terms and cost of certification of goods in Belarus

No organization will be able to tell you the exact dates in advance. They depend entirely on the nature of the product under investigation. On average, the certification procedure takes from 2 to 5 weeks.

All results of laboratory tests are recorded in a protocol, copies of which are sent to the applicant and the commission of the certification body.

The cost of certification of products for compliance with requirements will vary from 100 to 350 Belarusian rubles, registration of a declaration of conformity - 4 base values.
