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recruitment-agencies Recruitment agencies
Recruitment agencies

Recruiting services in Belarus

The labor market is crowded and 80% of resumes are identical. Finding an employee who will fall in love with the company is not an easy task. You can hire a young employee with no work experience and train them from scratch, but agree that this is a waste of company resources. It's better to find someone who will get up to speed from day one and show results in a month.

The purpose of recruiting agencies is to find employees according to the company's requests. Recruitment agencies take care of all recruitment issues: search and evaluation of candidates, selection and preparation for the interview. In these companies there are experienced HR-specialists with a developed strategy of employee search. Therefore, if you do not want to take responsibility for the choice, or you simply do not have any time and resources, then feel free to contact a recruitment agency, and there will gladly help.

Features of staff recruitment

Recruitment tasks

We already talked about the agency saving you the trouble. In addition, one of the main tasks of the agency is to adapt a new employee in the company and the team.

In large and small companies, there is not always a person responsible for the adaptation of the employee, although this is an important component of his future performance. No matter what kind of professional the employee is, he or she may not join the team and quit without opening himself or herself up. A recruiting agency will help solve this problem.

Besides, the agency specialists:

  • make up a portrait of a potential company employee;
  • select and select the staff;
  • help the company determine the salary and benefits of the employee;
  • teach the employee the company's tasks;
  • conduct professional certification.

Application for recruitment of personnel

In order for the recruitment agency specialists to select the right personnel for you, it is necessary to make a proper application.

Step 1. What do you need an employee for?

The first step will bring clarity to the agency. You can indicate the following:

  • an employee to fill regular vacancies;
  • closing positions (for example, you never had an accountant, but you needed one on staff);
  • make up a talent pool and so on.

Step 2: Indicate the candidate's motivation

Each position has attractive factors, such as income, career opportunities, free gym membership, health insurance and so on.

This knowledge will help HR during negotiations with applicants or when working with their objections.

Step 3: Attractive facts about your company

The selection specialist must understand the degree of attractiveness of the enterprise as an employer. Therefore, specify in the letter the links to the presentation materials about the company, tell about achievements, customers, implemented projects, cash flow and so on.

The more information will know the recruiter, the easier it will be to convince a specialist to work in your company.

Step 4: Specify where recruiter can find the right candidate

Do you already know your ideal candidate in person? Then inform the recruiter about it. Or maybe you know which companies your potential employees work for. If you specify specific locations, the recruiter will find an employee for you more quickly.

Searching and evaluating candidates

HR specialists will find candidates upon your request, and then assess their suitability.

Submitting candidates to the client

Once the candidates have been selected, the agency will notify you of suitable employees and agree on an interview time.

Selection methods and techniques

  1. Recruiting

It is a method of recruiting middle and lower level personnel. This method of recruitment is carried out among candidates who are in a free search for work.

  1. Exclusive search

Selection of managers and rare specialists. Selection is carried out both among free specialists and among the employed.

  1. Entice

It's a hunt for a specific specialist. Information about it is collected in advance, and then HR specialist starts "recruitment".

  1. Preliminaries

It is a method of attracting specialists through internships or internships in the company.

Mass recruitment of personnel

Mass selection is used for positions that do not require special training. They can be movers, sellers, couriers, drivers and so on.

Mass recruitment consists of 2 stages.

  1. Preparing for search

Preparation includes:

  • determining the number of vacancies;
  • coordination of recruitment costs between the client and the agency;
  • coordination of recruitment methods;
  • defining the requirements for the candidate;
  • scheduling of the company's personnel.
  1. Personnel search

Searches are on:

  • publication of vacancies on the Internet resources;
  • posting vacancies in newspapers;
  • announcements and leaflets.

Recruiting services in Belarus

  1. Management personnel
  2. Home staff
  3. Logistics and warehouses.
  4. Construction, real estate, architecture
  5. Accounting, banks, investments
  6. Industry and production
  7. Sales and Trade
  8. IT (information technology)
  9. Medicine and pharmaceutics
  10. Advertising, marketing, PR

Recruitment agency selection criteria

There are many recruitment agencies, but some may provide poor quality services, so choosing a recruiting company at random is a bad idea. We have made a list of criteria to help you choose.

  1. Professional experience

Learn about the agency's successes and achievements in the professional field. Read company reviews on third party websites or ask your colleagues if any of them may have had experience with the selected company. Do not rely only on the information provided on the official website.

  1. Recommendations from acquaintances and colleagues

Ask your acquaintances about their experience in finding employees; ask what results have been achieved, what are the pitfalls of cooperation with this agency and so on.

  1. Areas of activity

Some companies will not be suitable for you at the first stage. It is important to understand the area in which the company selects specialists. Some companies are engaged in narrow selection, for example, looking for employees only for management positions.

  1. Customer base

Pay attention to former clients of the agency. Pay attention to major customers. If a large brand entrusted the search for personnel to this agency, then it is very likely that the choice was not accidental.

  1. Terms and conditions of cooperation

Study in detail the terms of cooperation, it should suit you.

  1. Cost of services

Pay attention to the average market price for such services and do not contact companies where the price is lower. A company that respects yourself and its work will never set the price below the average.

  1. Warranties

Evaluate whether the company is ready to take responsibility in case of an adverse outcome of cases or problems with an employee. You can discuss this issue directly with company representatives. If the organization is not afraid of taking responsibility for its work, the service will be provided qualitatively.

Sources of recruitment

There are two types of recruitment sources: internal and external.

  1. Internal sources

If there is a vacancy, you can announce an internal competition for a vacancy among the employees of your company. However, this source of recruitment is only appropriate in three cases:

  • seeking a minimum number of staff;
  • staff reassignment;
  • staff movement.
  1. External sources

External sources of recruitment are Internet resources, newspaper advertisements, recruitment agencies and others.

Recruitment agencies

At the beginning of the page, you will find the best recruitment agencies in Belarus.

Recruitment agencies are a treasure trove for companies that need new employees, but have limited resources to find them. Agencies conduct hundreds of interviews and seminars on a regular basis, so new faces on the horizon of recruitment companies appear every day. We wish you a successful search.
