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Medical education

Medical education in Belarus

Many want to become doctors or veterinarians in childhood. The dreams of some children collapse about high admission requirements, some still try to master such a difficult profession. But what do you really need to know about medical education? How is it represented in Belarus? Is it worth it? We have already answered all these questions in this article.

Medical colleges in Belarus

You don't have to have a medical degree to save people's lives. Nurses, paramedics and pharmacists are trained in 14 colleges. Medical colleges of Belarus accept applicants with a general secondary education, so after the 9th grade it will not be possible to enter there. Therefore, look at specialties, study admission numbers and passing scores.

The admission rules in each of the secondary schools are different: in some the competition is held on the basis of the average scores of educational documents, in others it is necessary in addition to bring the results of the CT in biology and language (Russian or Belarusian). In all specialties, the duration of study is 1 year 10 months, with the exception of "General Medicine", where they study for 2 years 10 months.

Medical universities in Belarus

To enter the university, you need to pass the CT in biology, chemistry, Russian or Belarusian languages, have a high average score in the certificate.

Belarusian State Medical University

BSMU trains specialists at the following faculties:

• Military Medical Faculty;

•Medical Faculty;

• Medical and Preventive Faculty;

• Faculty of Pediatrics;

• Faculty of Dentistry;

• Pharmaceutical Faculty.

The Minsk Medical University trains future specialist doctors, pediatricians, dentists, military doctors and pharmacists. Every year outstanding students undergo practical training in Poland and Germany.

On the university website you can find all the information of interest for students and applicants. Those wishing to check into the hostel should contact the dean's office of their faculty (room 224A). Write an application and attach the following documents: certificate of available benefits, certificate of income of family members for the current year, certificate of family composition.

Address: Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave. 83, office 224A.

Work phone: 277-12-97.

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University

VSMU students take part in major international forums, undergo educational and scientific internships in Australia, Germany, Finland, Russia, Switzerland, hone research skills in research laboratories.

VSMU faculties:

•Medical Faculty;

• Faculty of Dentistry;

• Pharmaceutical Faculty.

By the way, at VSMU you can get the education of a pharmacist not only at full-time, but also by correspondence department. Several university professors are members of the International Council of Scientists. Nonresident students get a place in the hostel. Learn more about the university on the official website.

Address: Frunze Avenue 27, Vitebsk.

Office phone: 8 0212 64-81-57.

Vitebsk Order "Badge of Honor" State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

VGAVM is the only institution of higher education in Belarus where veterinarians are trained. A worthy teaching staff, a solid educational and material base and cooperation with scientific and pedagogical teams of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Baltic countries are weighty arguments in favor of the Academy. Currently, the Vitebsk Veterinary Academy conducts scientific research devoted to the study of animal diseases and the development of measures to combat them, improving the breeding and productive qualities of animals, developing modern technologies for obtaining livestock products that meet world requirements, as well as scientific support of the educational process.

Specify the conditions for settling nonresident students in the hostel of the VGAVM in the trade union committee of the university.

Work phone: 375 212 53-80-61.

Address: Vitebsk, st. 1st Dovatora, 7/11.

Gomel State Medical University

Gomel Medical University trains specialist doctors and diagnostic doctors. The university works closely with Japan and Scotland. Students in need are provided with a hostel. For more information for applicants, see the university website.

In the State Mining and Metallurgical Company, you can get the specialty "Feldsher-obstetrician", "Feldsher-hygienist", "Nurse".

Gomel State Medical University today is:

• more than 350 highly qualified professors, associate professors, assistants;

• 5 faculties: medical, medical diagnostic, faculty for training specialists for foreign countries, faculty of pre-university training; faculty of advanced training and retraining;

• internship and clinical residency; - doctorate, postgraduate master's degree.

Address: Gomel, Lange, 5.

Phone: +375 232 35-97-87, +375 232 35-98-18.

Grodno State Medical University

GRSMU specializes in training doctors in the field of pediatrics, diagnosis and treatment of general and psychological diseases. Among the partners of the university in student exchange are educational institutions of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Sweden.

The faculties of the State Medical University are presented in the following order:

•Medical Faculty;

• Medical and Diagnostic Faculty;

• Medical and psychological faculty;

• Faculty of Pediatrics.

Address: Grodno, st. Gorky, 80.

Phone: 8 (0152) 44-36-52 (reception of the rector), 44-92-96 (selection committee).

Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

State educational institution "Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" (BelMAPO) is an educational, scientific and clinical center of postgraduate medical education. Conducts professional development and retraining of executives and medical specialists. There is a doctorate, postgraduate study and clinical residency.


• public health and health care;

• pediatric;

• therapeutic;

• surgical.

Address: room 3, st. Petrusya Brovki 3, Minsk.

Phone: 8 017 292-24-74.

Subordination in Belarus

In VSMU, in-depth preparation of students for subordination begins with the 3rd year. For this, a laboratory of professional excellence has been created, a database of motivated students is being created, and project activities of students are applied. A practice-oriented principle of organizing the educational process is used, the concept of simulation training is implemented with an increase in the level of complexity of skills and abilities from individual elementary skills to high-tech skills and group coherence skills in providing care in dynamic clinical scenarios. Simulation technologies are used for attestation of practical skills, including as a stage of practical skills of the state exam.

Internship in Belarus

Doctors with higher medical, pharmaceutical education are sent for an internship as an intern doctor, an intern pharmacist in the organization of health care in order to deepen knowledge and acquire practical skills for further work in the field of medicine.

The internship is carried out by signing a fixed-term employment contract for the period of the internship and an agreement for the organizational and methodological support of the internship.

Clinical residency in Belarus

Clinical residency is a form of professional training of medical specialists based on the principle of individual training in order to deepen professional knowledge and improve practical skills, master advanced medical technologies, and solve the problems of staffing healthcare

Training in clinical residency is carried out in full-time (duration of training 24 months) or correspondence (duration of training 36 months) forms.

Medical Master's Degree in Belarus

Master's degree - the second stage of higher education, provides the formation of knowledge and skills of scientific and pedagogical and research work for subsequent postgraduate studies, for scientific, pedagogical and innovative activities and ends with the award of a Master's degree and the issuance of a master's degree.

Duration of training: 1 year.

Form of study: full-time, in Russian.

Admission to the magistracy is carried out on a competitive basis from among persons who have received higher medical (pharmaceutical) education of the 1st stage and have scientific publications, who participated in the development of research topics and innovative projects, who participated in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, as well as having the petition of the relevant departments.

Postgraduate medical training in Belarus

Postgraduate training of persons with higher medical, pharmaceutical education is carried out by the state educational institution "Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education".

Postgraduate training is carried out in the form of:

• retraining of managers and specialists of the healthcare system;

• advanced training of managers and health professionals;

• internships for managers and healthcare professionals.
