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Web design services

Web design services in Belarus

Having a quality website has long been the main requirement for creating a company's image for customers. Therefore, a good business always needs the services of a web designer. Today we will tell you about web designers in Belarus, what services they offer and the average cost of these services on the market.

Services of web designers

Each large company or holding has its own representative on online platforms, as this inspires confidence among customers and has a positive effect on business development. A number of specialists are behind the work of the online platform, including a web designer.

A professional web designer goes through the following steps:

• plans the general characteristics of the style, selects colors;

• creates site elements: logo, menu, header, banners, functional blocks;

• develops a modular grid - a page layout with the exact location of all elements;

• creates graphic elements for improvement and variety;

• prepares the site layout, which will be followed by the layout designer when creating pages.

Below is a list of services provided to help develop business projects.

Website design

The service implies high-quality and unique content design, a variety of graphic elements on the page. Once upon a time, design meant exclusively the visual component of the site, but today, in addition to a beautiful picture, the duties of a web designer include analytics and a verified structure of information presentation on the site.

A feature of the designer's work is to acquaint the user with the product in such a way as to interest the user. The task is to increase the conversion on the site. The thoughtful work of a designer is the first impression of a potential client.

An online platform is a kind of marketing tool that helps any business to reach a new level. But the main thing is to convey information to a potential client at his request so quickly that he does not decide to leave the page.

Mobile Application Design

Today it is difficult to imagine a person who does not use mobile applications, but no one thinks that these applications are developed by a web designer.

Mobile application design is the development of skins for the IOS and Android operating systems. The design of mobile applications is made with the programmer and in agreement with the customer.

Design specialists know the peculiarities of modern trends and technologies, which they skillfully use in their projects.

The task of a web designer of mobile applications is to create visually attractive applications with the most simple and intuitive interface that will compete with any analogue.

Development of corporate identity

Corporate identity is the key to the success of any company. The development of corporate identity includes the creation of an effective logo, selection of corporate fonts, suitable colors, as well as the creation of other attributes that can strengthen the brand image and create a positive impression of your company in the eyes of customers.

A well-thought-out corporate identity that meets the specificity of the niche market and the characteristics of the company helps to create a good image of a strong, competitive company, which will help to promote marketing campaigns with high quality.

Software design

Software design development also falls within the scope of web designer services.

Web studios provide software design services in stages. The work is an audit (analysis of the company, all competitors, advantages and features, comparison of design solutions, reduction of the final analytics to general development goals, etc.), the development stage (creation of a general style, determination of colors, distribution and layout of graphics, photo content, distribution typefaces, etc.), the stage of presentation (presentation of the future product to the customer and approval of the project).

Presentation design

Many world-famous companies use the services of a web designer at the stage of developing a presentation of their product. Presentation design is a uniform design of all slides for the project theme. It must correspond to the project, be designed for a specific target audience and suit the wishes of the customer.

Backgrounds, titles, text and other objects on all slides should follow the same principle.

Freelance web designers

Many modern professions can be done remotely. Therefore, web designers also leave offices and work for themselves. After all, it is more pleasant to do business in a comfortable chair, brewing a cup of your favorite tea, than to work on schedule.

Freelancing and agency work have their pros and cons.

For example, choosing a freelancer, you will work with one person who does not need a complex interaction scheme: he handed over the project, paid off - you have a finished project, the web designer has money, no questions asked.

Freelancers can also offer a quick service, since they do not work on schedule, and they themselves control their time. From here it becomes possible to implement a project or complete a task on weekends and holidays.

A freelance web designer doesn't care who you are or why you need a website or other product. The task itself, the solutions used and the functionality are important for him.

Web Design Agencies

Customers are more likely to trust agencies as they are a reliable source of services.

Web studios always provide a contract as a sign of quality assurance. The contract concluded before the start of work, and acceptance certificates at all stages of interaction, protects the interests of both parties: the client and the studio.

Working with a studio, the client is always confident in a professional approach. A whole team of specialists will work on the project: designers, developers, marketers, copywriters, SEO specialists. A kind of manufactory in development - guarantees high-quality performance of each stage of work.

The studio can be trusted to develop a simple presentation or large software with complex functionality.

The cost of web designer services

The customer's predominant question is always the cost of the product.

Each studio and freelance web designer provides its own price list, but the final cost is formed only taking into account the topic, target audience of your project and usability principles. Of course, there are designers who estimate their value based on the number of working hours. But usually, the order price varies according to the above principles.

They will be able to tell you the exact price and terms by seeing your tech. task / prototype / completed brief.

A high-quality product design may not cost you cheap, but you can actually find a “cheap” performer. A kind of paradox of the system.

True, it is worth looking for such a performer only if your budget is limited, and you really need a website.

To clarify the final price, contact the specialist of the selected agency, and he will calculate the exact cost of the product for you.
