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healthcare Healthcare in Belarus

Healthcare in Belarus

Medical care in Belarus is one of the cheapest among European countries. The article will tell you what services are provided by a medical officer and how to get help for a foreign citizen.

Types of clinics in Belarus

The country has a large selection of paid and free clinics.

State clinics in Belarus

There you can undergo a full examination, take tests, confirm or deny the diagnosis.

Each free medical facility has a reception, whose specialists will answer all your questions and help you make an appointment. You can contact the registrar by phone or at the address of the medical clinic.

Private clinics in Belarus

The majority of Belarusians still prefer paid service. Paid clinics have their own price list for services, but the quality of service cannot be compared with free. Firstly, paid clinics to recruit leading specialists in Belarus, and secondly, each specialist undergoes prof. training and systematically improves their knowledge in professional activities.

Private facilities also help in an emergency, which means the delivery of tests as soon as possible for an additional fee.

Registration in polyclinics

Free medical care is widespread in Belarus, so each resident is tied to a polyclinic at the place of registration.

To secure a minor in a polyclinic, parents are required to contact the chief doctor's office with a written application for reinforcement in a standard form. You must have an identity document with you.

According to Belarusian legislation, you can receive services not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of residence. It doesn't matter if you rent an apartment or live in a hostel, you must bring your passport and application to access the services of the clinic. Within 1 day, your application should be considered and a decision made.

Medical insurance in Belarus

Each person can get into an unpleasant situation that can become a threat to his life. To receive guarantees for protection in the event of unforeseen circumstances, you must take out medical insurance. With the help of insurance, you will not acquire an accident guarantee, you will minimize the negative consequences of the disease with minimal financial costs.

There is voluntary health insurance in Belarus. Every resident of the country can purchase insurance with a flexible approach to pricing. You yourself determine the scheme of cooperation, including the necessary list of services provided.

Foreign citizens are faced with compulsory health insurance because, without it, the customs authorities will not be able to let a foreigner into the country. The sum insured for foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Belarus is set at 10,000 euros.

The cost of paid medical services

Belarus grants its citizens the right to free medical care. It can be obtained at the local polyclinic.

Foreign citizens can use the services of state clinics for an additional fee.

Private clinics provide services to Belarusian and foreign patients, but at different price lists. Services in paid clinics in Belarus are much cheaper than in neighboring countries, so foreigners often choose treatment in Belarus.

The cost of initial admission to private clinics in Minsk is 30-40 BYN.

The quality of medical care in Belarus

Facts testify to the high quality of the work of Belarusian specialists in the field of medicine. Thus, Belarusian transplantologists performed the first liver transplant operation for a child in Armenia. This was a real breakthrough for medicine in this country.

Today we can safely say that the quality of service in Belarus claims to be one of the highest in the world. WHO gave Belarus 1st place in the ranking of the population's access to medical services. Our country is constantly mentioned in the lists of the best of this organization.

Calling an ambulance in Belarus

The ambulance service is a team of specialists who are ready to leave around the clock in the event of a patient feeling unwell. You can call an ambulance by dialing 103.

Ambulance tasks include:

• provision of emergency medical care for conditions that threaten the life and health of the patient. EMS doctors will be able to help cases of sudden illnesses, exacerbations of chronic diseases, accidents, injuries and poisoning, complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

• transportation of patients to a medical facility.

• participation in the elimination of medical consequences of emergencies.

In Belarus, there is a law according to which medical emergency medical care must be provided to any citizen, regardless of his legal status in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

As soon as the threat to the patient's life is eliminated, further medical care is provided on a paid basis.

The procedure for providing medical assistance to foreign citizens

Foreign citizens living in the territory of the Republic of Belarus have the right to use medical services if this does not contradict the legislative acts of Belarus.

The costs of paying for medical services are partially covered by the insurance. All details can be found in the contracts of compulsory and supplementary health insurance.

The Republic of Belarus has concluded a number of international treaties, all information about which is presented on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Visa regime

In order for a foreign citizen to be allowed through the border of the Republic of Belarus, including for receiving specialized medical care, a visa must be issued.

All detailed information on obtaining a visa and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Visa-free travel

In 2017, a 5-day visa-free stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus became possible for citizens of 80 countries of the world. The main condition is that the entry and exit of a citizen must be carried out through the State Border "National Airport Minsk". A list of these states can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
