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Belarusian State Pedagogical University named Maxim Tank
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named Maxim Tank

Belarusian State Pedagogical University named Maxim Tank

History of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

The history of the university began in 1914, when the first teacher's institute was opened in Minsk. After 4 years, he became a higher pedagogical educational institution, the period of study in which was 4 years.

Throughout its history, the institute has been reorganized and renamed more than once.

In 1931, the development of the university infrastructure began. At that time, 4 buildings, 2 libraries, as well as a dormitory for 300 places were opened on its base. In the same year it was named the Pedagogical Institute, and only in 1995 was it named after Maxim Tank.

During the Second World War, the institute did not function. The activities of the institute were resumed only in 1944.

Over the long history of its existence, the educational institution has been rewarded more than once for successes in the field of science and education, for the retraining of teaching staff, etc.

In 1991, the institute opened a planetarium, which presented the most accurate model of the starry sky.

In 2007, a significant event took place in the life of the university (since 1993). BSPU became a member of the Eurasian Association of Universities.

To date, the university is listed on the Republican Board of Honor for successful development in the field of science and education. Hundreds of applicants try to enter here every year, and all because the university diploma is distinguished by the quality of training specialists.

Faculties of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

The university invites applicants to the following faculties:

•History department;

• Physics and Mathematics Faculty;

• Faculty of Belarusian and Russian Philology;

• Faculty of Preschool Education;

• Faculty of Natural Sciences;

• Faculty of Primary Education;

• Institute of Psychology;

• Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Technologies;

• Institute for Inclusive Education;

• Faculty of Physical Education;

• Faculty of Aesthetic Education.

Admission to the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

To simplify the paperwork and save time when submitting documents, the applicant is given the opportunity to create a personal account on the official website of the university.

You can create a personal account using any computer or mobile device.

Having created your personal account of the applicant, you can:

• Fill out and print the application, questionnaire and assessment form;

• Speed ​​up the submission of documents to the selection committee;

• Find out about the schedule of exams if they are held in your chosen specialty.

Applicants whose goal is to enter the university are required to submit the following documents to the admissions committee:

• Application;

• Application form;

• Form of assessments for calculating the average score;

• Original and copy of the certificate (or diploma with attachment);

• Certificates of CT conducted in the Republic of Belarus in the year of admission or for the previous year;

• Medical certificate of health status;

• Passport and copy (pages 31,33);

• 4 photos 3 * 4 cm.

Education for foreign students at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

More than 500 foreign citizens from 15 countries from all over the world are currently studying at the university.

In addition to training, foreign students are provided with places in a hostel. Students are not restricted in using the infrastructure of the university, so they have the right to visit the library, reading rooms, cafes, dining rooms, sports and gyms, and a swimming pool.

Moreover, foreign citizens are encouraged to take an active part in the cultural life of the university. The student club "Yunost" is responsible for leisure activities. He is active in the field of aesthetic, spiritual and moral education of young people.