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Lan1 Translation agency "Lantrajding Plus"
Translation agency "Lantrajding Plus"

Translation agency "Lantrajding Plus"

General information about the company Lantrading Plus

Translation agency Lantrading Plus has been known on the market for over 20 years. During this time, the quality of the work of specialists has grown to the minimum time for quick conclusions.

The Bureau provides an opportunity to translate documents "today for tomorrow" or "day in day". The agency specializes in written translations of documents and, according to your requirements, can deal with notarization of copies, extracts, etc.

All documents issued by the company are authentic. This is confirmed by specialists in notarial affairs in Minsk and the Minsk region, the Italian Embassy in Minsk, and the Spanish Embassy in Moscow.

Our translators have special accreditation for:

Performing translations since 1999, the company's specialists have gained invaluable experience in translating legal, technical and medical documents. You can be sure that by transferring your documents to the company, your requirements will be fulfilled in accordance with all applicable laws within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or foreign countries.

The Lantrading Plus team consists of 70 translators who are able to carry out their work in almost any language of the world.

The official website will provide you with information about company news, price list and specialist services, as well as current offers from Lantrading Plus.

Lantrading Plus services

The company provides a wide range of services in the field of translation:

• Translation from Ukrainian for obtaining a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus;

• Translation for individuals;

• Translation for legal entities, etc.

You can find out detailed information about the services of the company from the operator by contacting him by phone, or on the official website of Lantrading Plus.

Languages ​​of translation at Lantrading Plus

Lantrading Plus Translation Bureau works with such languages ​​as Azerbaijani, English, Arabic, Armenian, Greek, Georgian, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Serbian, Turkish, Ukrainian, French, Japanese, etc.

Contact information of the company Lantrading Plus

You can discuss cooperation with Lantrading Plus by calling +375 44 702-11-11. You can ask your question to specialists by writing your message on Viber / WhatsApp at the above number.