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Universities of Grodno

Universities of Grodno city

Grodno Universities. Best universities of Grodno

Grodno is one of the oldest settlements in Belarus. Not far from Grodno there are borders of Belarus with Lithuania and Poland. And if you have always dreamed of studying in a quiet province, every corner of which is saturated with history, this article is for you. Below you will find information about universities of Grodno city.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

On February 22, 1940 by the decision of the BSSR SNK in Grodno was founded the Teachers' Institute, the development of which was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. Already in 1944, classes continued, and in parallel, the Teacher's Institute was transformed into a pedagogical institute with three faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Literature and Foreign Languages. In 1957, the Institute was named after Yanka Kupala. On May 1, 1978 the Pedagogical Institute was reorganized into Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

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Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has been participating in the rating of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities since 2006 and is on the 3rd place among Belarusian universities.

For students and teachers there is an educational portal of GrSU, where you can view the schedule of classes, programs, look into the scientific library, read the electronic journal. GrSU takes care of the development of international relations – the university has the following student exchange programs: Erasmus, DAAD, IAESTE, MOST, "Baltic University".

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has 15 faculties and offers a wide range of specialties: 65 at the first level of higher education and 48 at the second level of higher education, as well as 41 specialties of postgraduate studies and 1 master's degree.

Faculties of GrSU:

  • faculty of Biology and Ecology;
  • military faculty;
  • faculty of Pedagogy;
  • faculty of Psychology;
  • faculty of pre-university training;
  • faculty of Physics and Technology;
  • faculty of Engineering and Construction;
  • faculty of Physical Culture;
  • faculty of Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering;
  • faculty of Philology;
  • faculty of Arts and Design;
  • faculty of Economics and Management;
  • faculty of History, Communication and Tourism;
  • faculty of Law;
  • faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

The University offers foreign citizens training in both Russian and English in the following specialties:

  • international law (law faculty);
  • finance and credit (Faculty of Economics and Management);
  • mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics);
  • information technology software (Department of Mathematics and Informatics);
  • tourism and hospitality (Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism).

Cost of training for foreign citizens on preparatory training 1980$ for 9 months. The cost of training at the first level of higher education for foreign citizens in Russian is 2550$, and in English 3500$. As you see universities of Grodno are not expensive comparing to EU and other universities.

Grodno State Agrarian University

Grodno State Agrarian University is the largest university in Grodno, which trains specialists for the agro-industrial complex at daytime and part-time departments. The University was opened on January 17, 1951 and in the same year 200 students were admitted.

GSAU closely cooperates with universities of Iraq, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Finland and Sweden. The Agrarian University actively develops Erasmus+, TEMPUS, FOSTERC programs.

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Grodno State Agrarian University has 32 departments and has 6 educational buildings, 7 dormitories, a canteen, a stadium, a recreation center, a library, a museum and a sports club. 

Today in the State Agrarian University work:

  • research laboratory;
  • computer information center;
  • publishing and printing shop.

Students are trained at 8 faculties:

  • veterinary medicine;
  • agronomic;
  • plant protection;
  • biotechnological;
  • egineering and technology;
  • economic;
  • accounting;
  • higher School of Management.

The university gives an opportunity to foreign citizens to study at the preparatory department and preparatory courses, which prepare the student for admission to the university.

Citizens who have graduated from a school or university can take preparatory courses. You must have a secondary school diploma or diploma of higher education with you.

The form of study is full-time, and the deadline for submitting documents is from August 1 to December 31. The courses run from September 1 to June 30, from October 1 to June 30 or from December 1 to July 31.

A foreigner can be trained in the preparatory department by two profiles.

1. Economic:

  • russian language;
  • mathematics at a higher level;
  • lexico-grammar support of economic profile disciplines;
  • social science;
  • economics;
  • economic geography.

2. Biological:

  • russian language;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • lexical and grammatical support of biological profile disciplines.

The cost of education is 1700$.

Deadlines for submission of documents for training courses from 1 January and as the groups are completed. Training takes place from 1 February to 31 July, from 1 April to 31 July and from 1 May to 31 August.

You can take the following courses:

  • russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • social studies.

The cost of training will be determined by its duration and is 1000$ - 1400$.

Admission to the first level of higher education is based on the results of control tests at the end of training at the preparatory department or courses.

The cost of education for foreign citizens in GSAU should be found out at the university or at the admissions committee.

Grodno State Medical University

The history of medical education in Grodno dates back to the 18th century, when for the first time in modern Belarus the Grodno Medical Academy was opened – later one of the leading medical schools in Europe. The first anatomical theatre, a museum of natural history, a scientific medical library and a botanical garden were organized under the Academy. The founder of the Academy is a French scientist J.E. Gilibert, a prominent philanthropist and researcher of his time.

On August 9, 1958, a decision was made to open the Grodno Medical Institute. Initially, there was only the Faculty of Medicine. Later, in 1970, the preparatory department was opened, in 1979 – the Pediatrics Faculty

In 1991, for the first time in Belarus, a department of nurses with higher education was organized. In 1993, for the first time in Belarus, the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology was opened at the GrSMI, and in 1995, the Faculty of Foreign Students was established.

In 2000 GrSMI was given the status of a university. This is now one of the best universities in the country.

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Today in GrSMU it is possible to study at 6 faculties:

  • therapeutic;
  • pediatric;
  • medical and psychological;
  • medical-diagnostic;
  • professional development and retraining;
  • foreign students.

The last faculty was specially organized for training of foreign citizens in 1995. The educational process lasts 6 years and two forms of education are offered:

  • in Russian language (teaching of academic disciplines is conducted in Russian language in all disciplines);
  • in Russian and English (teaching of academic disciplines is conducted in English, and Russian is used when communicating with patients).

Upon successful completion of the course of study, the graduate is issued an international diploma and is qualified as a doctor.

The cost of training in the bachelor's degree in Russian from 3,800$ to 3,900$ per year, and in English from 4,400$ to 4,500$ per year.

Grodno is a beautiful Belarusian city with its history and stunning scenery and we are sure that if you enter the University of Grodno, you will get not only high quality education, but also unforgettable experiences.

As you saw above there are a lot of universities in Grodno city. Make your choice and welcome to Belarus!