Universities of Mogilev city
Mogilev Universities. Best universities of Mogilev
Mogilev is a city in the east of Belarus, and although life in it is not the same as in a metropolis, but it is also swift and rich. Mogilev will not leave anyone indifferent, it forces to fall in love at first sight and you will want to come back here repeatedly. You can come here not only to look at the landscapes and get inspired, but also to enter one of the universities, about that we will tell you today. Below you can see the list of best universities of Mogilev city.
Picture 1 Photo by souzveche.ru
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
It is the leading university in the country for training specialists for agriculture. It trains future agronomists, zoo-engineers, land surveyors, land reclamation specialists, as well as economists, marketers, environmentalists and lawyers.
In 1836, the Russian government made a decision to run an agricultural school.
The agricultural school was opened on August 15, 1840. It has two categories of training courses: higher and lower. The term of education at the highest level was 3 years. Pupils received higher agronomic education. Agronomists and managers for public and private estates were trained here.
Later, in 1848, the highest grade of the school was transformed into the Agricultural Institute - the first in Russia's higher agricultural education institution, and the lowest grade - into the Agricultural School.
After the 1863 uprising, in which many students took part, the Institute was transferred to St. Petersburg. In 1919 the institute was restored, in 1925 it was transformed into the academy.
BSAA cares about the expansion of international cooperation, development of academic mobility. The university participates in the Erasmus+ program, also works with higher educational institutions of the CIS countries, far and near abroad.
Picture 2 Photo by mogilevnews.by
The Agricultural Academy has all conditions for scientific, cultural and sports life of students. The university has organized master's and post-graduate studies and has three councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
At universities, students can choose from 9 faculties:
- agronomic;
- agroecological;
- business and Law;
- biotechnology and aquaculture;
- accounting;
- land management;
- land reclamation and construction;
- agricultural mechanization;
- economic.
The cost of training at the preparatory department for foreign students is 1450$ for 10 months.
The cost of studying at the bachelor's degree is 1950$ per year.
Training is conducted only in Russian language.
Belarusian-Russian University
Russia and Belarus signed an agreement in Mogilev in 2001, which opened the Belarusian-Russian University. This is one of the famous university of Mogilev.
The Belarusian-Russian University in Mogilev is the largest regional technical university that trains engineers, builders, economists and logisticians in the educational programs of Belarus and Russia. The university has an institute for advanced training and retraining of personnel, an architectural and construction college and lyceums.
Picture 4 Photo by bru.by
The BRU has created conditions for scientific activity: the university has a master's degree and a post-graduate course, as well as councils for thesis defense. BRU holds annual scientific conferences, where students can get acquainted with actual works of domestic and foreign specialists. The University cooperates with various foreign universities and researchers.
BRU has 6 main faculties:
- automechanical;
- engineering faculty;
- construction;
- economic;
- electrotechnical;
- engineering-economic.
The cost of training of foreign citizens on preparatory courses makes 1300$ in a year, and on a bachelor's degree 2200$ in a year.
Mogilev State University
Mogilev State University prepares specialists for all spheres of public life, but in priority teaching professions. The university graduates teachers for secondary and pre-school education institutions. For about 20 years the university has been training lawyers and economists. Much attention is paid here to the development of student science, development of actual research problems.
Picture 4 Photo by msu.by
The university has 5 block-type dormitories at its disposal, where places are provided to needy non-resident students for the period of study at the university. Correspondents for the duration of the session may also be accommodated in a dormitory, subject to availability of places. The dormitories are equipped with all the necessary facilities to ensure comfortable living, education and recreation.
There are 7 departments at the university:
- mathematics and science;
- foreign languages;
- historical and philological;
- pedagogy and psychology of childhood;
- pedagogical;
- physical education;
- economics and rights.
Pedagogical and scientific research work is carried out at 38 departments; they employ over 450 full-time teachers, of whom about 200 have academic degrees and titles, including 25 doctors of science and professors. The University has more than 7600 students, of whom about 4300 are full-time students.
The cost of education for foreign citizens at the first level of higher education is 2,200-2300$.
Mogilev State University of Food
This institution of higher education in the BSSR was opened on January 1, 1973 as the Mogilev Technological Institute. In 2001-2002 - "Mogilev State Technological Institute". In April 2002, according to the results of MSTI certification, it was transformed into Mogilev State Food University.
Mogilev Food University is a major research center. Scientific and innovation activities are carried out within the framework of the main scientific directions corresponding both to the profile of specialists' training and priority directions of the Republic of Belarus on the issues of scientific and technical progress. Fundamental scientific research carried out at the University is included in the plan of the most important research works of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.
Picture 4 Photo by mgup.by
There are 287 teachers working in 20 departments of the University, including 11 doctors and professors, 89 associate professors, 6 of them were elected as academicians and corresponding members of academies.
For 40 years of activity the university teachers have trained more than 15 thousand specialists for the economy of Belarus and other countries. More than 50 of its graduates have defended their dissertations, including two doctoral theses. In Belarus, there is practically no food and chemical enterprise where MSUF graduates work. Many of them became managers, chief accountants, leading specialists of enterprises and the industry as a whole.
The university also has preparatory courses that will help you to pass the final tests and enter the university.
You should check with the university to find out what the cost of studying for foreign nationals is.
We have told you about the universities in Mogilev that you can enroll in. Now the choice is yours, and we wish you luck and are waiting for you as a guest.