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Faculty of Intercultural Communications of MSLU

MSLU Faculty of Intercultural Communications

Over the past 7 years, the number of foreign citizens who come to study in Belarus has doubled. Students from Turkmenistan, China, the CIS countries, as well as from Africa, Asia and Latin America come to study with us. Foreign citizens choose Belarusian education, because its level is close to European standards, and prices are much lower. The Faculty of Intercultural Communications of Minsk State Linguistic University is one of those where a foreigner who wants to learn languages ​​can go. We will tell you more about it in this article.

About university

Minsk State Linguistic University is equipped with modern classrooms and laboratories, where lectures, practical and laboratory classes, and video conferences are held. The University owns a rich library, in which materials are collected in 115 languages.

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MSLU collaborates with the World Association of Linguistic Universities, UNESCO and universities in 33 countries. Since 2011, the Confucius Institute for the Study of the Chinese Language has been operating at this university. Teachers of MSLU work on the concept of teaching foreign languages, create school textbooks, didactic materials and manuals.

About faculty

The Faculty of Intercultural Communications is a young, but at the same time very popular and demanded faculty of the university. It was created in 2001 as a response to the needs of the labor market in specialists of a new profile.

It prepares professionals for organizations, enterprises, departments, actively cooperating with foreign partners. In order to become a specialist requires not only excellent knowledge of foreign languages, the presence of stable skills in the implementation of various types of translation, but also the possession of professional skills in applying modern communication technologies in various fields: political, economic, informational, advertising, international tourism.

The educational process is paid great attention to familiarization with the culture, national traditions and features of everyday and professional etiquette, as well as the mentality of other peoples.

Starting from the second year, each student begins to study a second foreign language and one of the areas of specialty:

  • foreign economic relations;
  • public relations;
  • information service;
  • international tourism.

At the same time, within each area there are specializations that deepen the competencies of a specialist in the corresponding professional field: information and analytical activities; communication technologies in business; image building; advertising; computer advertising, guided tours.

Currently, English, German, French, and Spanish are being studied at the faculty as the first foreign language; the second - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese. The range of foreign languages studied is constantly expanding.

The teaching staff, providing training for specialists at the Faculty of Intercultural Communications, is highly professional and competent.

Today, more than 1300 students study at the faculty, each of whom during the course of training acquires an invaluable baggage of skills that allows the graduate to feel confident in the modern labor market.

After successful completion of training, passing state exams and defending a graduation project, a graduate receives a diploma of higher education indicating the specialty “Linguistic support of intercultural communications”, one of the above areas, specialization and qualification “Specialist in intercultural communication, translator-referent” indicating two foreign languages of communication.

Graduates of the faculty work in ministries and departments, large IT companies, in international relations departments of various organizations, in banks, PR agencies, travel agencies, on television, and in republican missions abroad.

The cost of studying at this faculty for foreign citizens is $ 2620 per year.

About entry

At MSLU, there are preparatory courses in the Russian language especially for foreigners who plan to enter this university. They last 1 year, and their cost is $ 2200 for the entire period of study, in addition, the university provides a hostel for the duration of the courses. There, a foreign citizen will be prepared for the educational process and will be given a knowledge base of the Russian language, that will help him successfully master the course.

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After these courses, the foreign applicant passes the final tests that will determine his knowledge and will reveal whether the foreigner will be able to understand the specialty program.

If a foreign citizen does not plan to take language courses, then he will need to pass an introductory interview with members of the selection committee. The interview also shows the level of knowledge of the Russian language and the student's ability to master all the material of the training course.

We told you about the faculty of intercultural communications of MSLU. We told you what you could do for this. Choose the most convenient way for yourself and do this and we wish you success.