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Goods prohibited for import into Belarus

Many travelers love to buy unique items in exotic countries or shop at local duty-free. What a disappointment awaits such tourists when, at the entrance to Belarus, they have to leave these things at the border. In order not to get into such situations, we will provide a list of goods prohibited for import into Belarus.

Legislative regulation

The Republic of Belarus is actively implementing a customs policy aimed at close cooperation in the customs sphere, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the economic space, ensuring the free movement of goods, pursuing a coordinated policy in customs relations.

Regulatory legal acts regarding the import and export of goods across the border of the Republic of Belarus are updated annually. You can always find current legal acts or contact information for communication with authorized employees on the official website.

What do personal goods mean?

Often you can find the definition of personal goods in such acts. Now we will analyze which products it is.

When referring goods to goods for personal use, the consumer properties of goods, the frequency of their use in everyday life to meet personal, family, household and other needs are taken into account. Such goods are considered those that are not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

Products that do not belong to this category:

1. Caviar of sturgeon fish species in the amount of over 250 g.

2. Fish, crustaceans in the amount of more than 5 kg.

3. Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and beer with a total volume of more than 5 liters, imported by a person who has reached the age of 18.

4. Ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and beer transported by a person under 18 years of age.

5. Tobacco and tobacco products in the amount of more than 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco, or the specified products in the assortment with a total weight of more than 250 g, imported by a person who has reached the age of 18.

6. Tobacco and tobacco products moved by a person under 18 years of age.

7. Goods exported from the customs territory of the EEC, in respect of which export customs duties are established by the legislation of the Member State of the Union.

8. Natural diamonds.

9. Vehicles not included in the list of certain types of auto and motor vehicles and trailers for auto and motor vehicles, which are vehicles for personal use.

10. Internal combustion engines.

11. Central heating boilers classified in subheading 8403 10 TN VED EAEU.

12. Tanning salons.

13. Medical technology and equipment.

14. Furniture for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary medicine (except for medical hospital beds with mechanical attachments required for medical use).

15. Hairdressing chairs and similar chairs, parts thereof.

16. Apparatus and equipment for photographic laboratories.

17. Devices, apparatus and models intended for demonstration purposes.

18. Games powered by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or similar means of payment.

19. Goods in respect of which export control measures are applied in the cases and in the manner established in accordance with the legislation of a member state of the Union.

Goods prohibited for import and export

It is prohibited to import and export to Belarus:

• service and civilian weapons, their parts and cartridges for them, prohibited for import into the customs territory of the Customs Union, export from the customs territory of the Customs Union and transit through the customs territory of the Customs Union;

• special technical means designed to secretly obtain information;

• poisonous substances and their derivatives;

• narcotic, psychotropic substances and their derivatives, with the exception of drugs in the form of medicines for personal consumption (in the presence of supporting medical documents);

• waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals;

• raw precious metals;

• wild-growing medicinal raw materials (plants, herbs, seeds, fruits) in an amount of more than 3 specimens of the same species, etc.

A complete list of goods prohibited for import / export, as well as all information on the customs legislation of the EAEU can be found on the Single Internet portal of the customs authorities of Belarus.

Goods prohibited for import

List of goods that you will not be allowed across the border of the Republic of Belarus:

• firearms of all kinds of military models, hunting and sporting weapons and ammunition for them, gas weapons and ammunition for them, edged weapons of all types, simulators of firearms operating using blank charges, special devices and devices for causing bodily harm or paralyzing effects , aerosol packages with gases of irritating, nerve-paralytic or poisonous action - permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;

• narcotic drugs in quantities not exceeding a three-day need, and psychotropic substances in an amount of no more than 90 single doses - if there are documents issued by the health authorities of the exporting state and confirming the validity of their movement;

• sources of ionizing radiation, toxic substances - permission of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Department for Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Nuclear Energy);

• specimens of species of wild fauna and flora subject to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) - permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

• radio-electronic means - permission of the State Inspection for Telecommunications under the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Belarus. A permit is not required to import a mobile phone.

Goods prohibited for export

List of goods that will not be allowed to be exported from the Republic of Belarus:

• cultural values ​​- permission of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus;

• especially valuable botanical collections or their parts - permission of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;

• zoological collections or their parts - permission of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;

• paleontological collections or their parts - permission of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus;

• plants and animals belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, their parts and derivatives - permission of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

Goods, the import and export of which is possible with a special permit

It is allowed to import medicaments into Belarus containing psychotropic or narcotic substances in the amount of no more than 90 single doses for psychotropic drugs, and no more than a week's requirement for medicaments containing narcotics. In this case, it is imperative to have supporting documents - an extract from the medical documentation (certified by the signature of the chief physician and the seal of the medical institution), copies of paper prescriptions certified by the original seal of the physician. Prerequisite: tablets must be in their original packaging.

For those citizens who buy expensive items abroad, the Minsk Regional Customs recommends keeping cash receipts, as well as any payment documents confirming the purchase and cost of goods, until the moment of crossing the border. This will allow you to quickly and easily go through customs control upon returning home.

Goods, the import and export of which is possible if there is information about the notification

Notification is an official document of the product issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of an international organization. In other words, legalization of your product.

The Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 30 of 21.04.15 "On measures of non-tariff regulation" includes tablet computers and laptops (TNVED code 8471 30 0000), stationary and mobile phones (codes 8517 11 0000, 8517 12 0000 and 8517 18 0000), routers and routers (8517), software (8523), microchips (8542), desktop computers, walkie-talkies and transmitters, server systems and much more. Due to the presence in the list of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, which are wireless equipment for encryption, absolutely any gadgets with the presence of appropriate communication modules - even wireless mice and keyboards - fall under the Solution.

Responsibility for violation of the rules of import and export of goods

On the basis of Article 354 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, the customs authorities are bodies of inquiry and (or) investigation in cases of crimes or criminal offenses. The customs authorities conduct administrative proceedings in cases of administrative offenses and bring persons to administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Member States.

On July 19, 2019, amendments entered into the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus under article 231 "Evasion of customs payments", namely, the threshold for recognizing large evasion of customs payments established on the day of the crime was increased from two thousand to three thousand.
