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Lake Naroch

Lake Naroch and the nearby Narochanskie lakes are a popular pastime for tourists. The article will tell you about the ways of entertainment on the lake, nearby attractions and features of Lake Naroch.

Interesting facts about Lake Naroch

Lake Naroch is considered the largest in the entire country. Its name is associated with a legend:

“In ancient times, the girl Nara came to the shore of this lake every day. She felt at home here, so you could often hear her delicate voices and playing the harp. On one of these days, a local pan passed by, who heard the voice of a sweet girl, and he listened so much that he immediately wanted to marry her. True, his whole tale collapsed in an instant when he found out about her engagement. Nara refused him, and he ordered to kill the girl's boyfriend so that she would become his wife. Nara was not going to follow his orders, and on the night before her marriage set fire to the palace and tried to escape. True, the pursuers quickly caught up with her, and then she threw herself into the water, where she drowned. "

In memory of the girl, the lake was named Naroch.

Location of Lake Naroch

All tourists note that Naroch is the purest lake in Belarus. The transparency of its waters can be viewed at a depth of 5-7 meters in summer and up to 10 meters in winter.

Naroch is part of the Naroch Lakes, which are located in the north of the Minsk region. The lake has never been empty, because there are 22 species of fish, mute swans, little terns, etc. nest here. The place is so unique that some representatives of the animal world are listed in the Red Book, therefore nature conservation services monitor their nature.

Narochansky National Park

Narochansky Park is one of the most popular places to visit. Its territory is represented by nature reserves, sanatorium-resort and economic zones.

There are 36 natural monuments of republican and local significance in the park. Especially valuable natural complexes are located here.

The park territory accommodates 11 sanatoriums and health centers. The state program actively sponsors and develops this area.

Tourists are not deprived of attention and entertainment here, because 30 excursion routes were developed for them, varied in content and method of movement.

Sanatorium "Naroch"

The sanatorium helps tourists to improve their health and enjoy the local nature.

Treatment in the sanatorium Naroch is a complex where, according to your indications, the doctor will select a program of 110 possible procedures. Medical offices are equipped with modern equipment and apparatus for complete relaxation and quality treatment. The developed programs will not only help you to relax, but also significantly improve your health.

In addition to medical treatment, the sanatorium offers tourists entertainment in the form of a cultural program. It includes excursions to local attractions, concerts of professional artists, meetings with famous cultural figures, etc.

Hotels near Lake Naroch

If the rest according to the program does not suit you, you can organize the rest yourself. Not far from the lake, there are several hotels that are happy to receive guests and can share the variety of entertainment.

These hotels include:

• Hotel Smorgon - 48, 3 km from Lake Naroch;

• Good Zone Club - 6.1 km from Lake Naroch;

• Fazenda - 3.8 km from Lake Naroch;

• Recreation complex Chaika - 5.4 km from Lake Naroch;

• Paliesiaus Dvaras - 48.5 km from Lake Naroch.

Cafes and restaurants on Lake Naroch

When planning your next vacation, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options for spending time with a stop for lunch. We offer 5 places that can offer dishes to your taste:

• Restaurant "Myastro", Myadel, Naberezhny lane, 2;

• Cafe "Naroch", village Naroch, Leninskaya st., 6;

• Cafe "Nad voseram", village Cherevki;

• Express-cafe "U pletnya", village Naroch;

• Cafe "Belaruskaya Khata", village Naroch, Leninskaya st., 14.

How to get to Lake Naroch

You can get to the lake from Minsk by minibuses, which run regularly and depart from the Moscow railway station, and you need to go from Minsk to the village of Naroch by your own transport, the distance between them is about 160 km.

Hiking trails on Lake Naroch

On the tourist portal of the Naroch Territory, you can find 6 hiking trails. They describe the length of the route, its duration, attractions and the best places, as well as interesting facts about these places.

You can contact the administration and find out the dates of the next hikes so that an experienced specialist will guide you along the unique paths.

Fishing on Lake Naroch

Fishing in the Narochansky National Park can be carried out on 33 reservoirs. All of them differ in the type of catch and entry conditions. Tourists are offered paid ponds with a refined territory and free places for solitude with nature.

All issues related to fishing are determined by the Rules for the conduct of fisheries and fishing. If you are going fishing in Narochansky Park, we advise you to contact a fishing engineer or tourism department. They will introduce you to the rules and the fisherman's card.

Apothecary garden

The Apothecary Garden is a modern tourist complex located in the Narochansky Park.

The name of the garden justifies itself thanks to the combination of centuries of experience and knowledge of European monasteries, which today help to grow and cultivate rare medicinal plants from different parts of the world, as well as delicious herbal teas and teas.

Tizengauz Palace

Not far from the Narochanskiy Park, you can see local sights. For example, in the past, the Tizengauz Palace was visited by famous historical figures, including Emperor Nicholas II.

Today there is a hospital there. In front of the building, tourists can see a monument to the great man Konstantin Tyzengauz. A UNESCO grant has already been received for the restoration of the palace.

Village-museum Zabrodye

The village-museum Zabrodye is another major attraction of the local territories. Tourists are invited here for a spiritual rest on the banks of the Narochanka River. Local places are famous for unspoiled nature, clean air and rich history of local people.

Everyone who comes to the village is delighted with the authentic Belarusian village, because real rural life and comfort are presented here.

Church of the Holy Trinity

The Church of the Holy Trinity is located in the village of Kresttsy. This is the real pride of the Belarusian Orthodox, which has stood since the beginning of the 19th century.

The church was restored in 1873, after which the left border was added to it in honor of the Smolensk Mother of God.

Today the temple remains in operation, because restoration work is periodically carried out here with funds from local residents.
