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Military services

Military service in Belarus

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is a structural element of the military organization of the state, designed to ensure military security and armed defense of the Republic of Belarus, its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. With the coming of adulthood, the time comes for the male half of our state when it is necessary to serve in the army and, as it is sometimes called, pay off the debt to your homeland. The fact is that not everyone is called up for military service at the age of 18, and, in addition, not all representatives of the male half of our state generally serve in the army. This is due to the fact that during the selection to the army there are a number of criteria that our state complies with.

Military duty in the Republic of Belarus

Urgent military service

The term of military service for conscription is established:

For servicemen who do not have higher education and undergo military service, 18 months;

For military personnel with higher education, performing military service - 12 months;

For military personnel trained at military departments or faculties under the training programs for junior commanders who have passed the exams established by the training programs and undergoing military service, 6 months;

For military personnel who are in the military service of conscription officers - 12 months.

The following are not counted in the term of military service:

The term of serving the sentence of arrest, with the exception of cases provided for by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus;

The period of detention at the guardhouse during the execution of the arrest imposed on the soldier in a disciplinary manner;

The term for unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or place of military service, regardless of the reasons for abandonment.

During the term of military service for military personnel who have not served the established term of the first contract for military service, the duration of military service under the contract is calculated based on two days of military service under the contract for one day of military service.

Service in reserve

Service in reserve is a type of military service consisting in the mandatory performance by citizens subject to conscription for military service of military duty by serving in military units or other organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus at classes and training camps in order to obtain a military specialty without termination labor activity.

The decision on the draft of citizens for military service, service in the reserve can only be made after they have reached the age of 18.

When deciding on the conscription of citizens for military service, service in the reserve, the district (city) draft committee determines the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces, other military formations in which these citizens can perform military service, service in the reserve.

In the case of evasion of citizens from conscription for military service, service in the reserve, the district (city) draft commission makes a decision on sending the relevant materials to the prosecutor at the place of residence of these citizens to resolve the issue of bringing them to justice in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.

The decision of the district (city) draft commission is adopted by a majority vote of the full composition of the commission and announced to the draftee.

At the request of the conscript, in respect of whom the decision of the district (city) draft commission has been made, a copy of the relevant decision is issued to him.

Contract military service

Who can be on military service under the contract? Signing up and termination of the contract.

The military service contract can be signed up with:

military personnel who are in military service and have served for at least six months;

military personnel called up for military service officers after two years of military service;

liable for military service;

male citizens who are not in the reserve and have reached the age of 18 years, as soldiers, sailors, sergeants, and foremen. At the same time, these citizens, prior to concluding a contract on military service, are not exempted from the measures established by this Law for calling up for military service or reserve service;

female citizens who are not in stock and have reached the age of 19;

military personnel who expire on a previous contract for military service;

other citizens on the basis of decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Main benefits

The benefits of a contract service may include:

Decent salary, competitive in the domestic labor market;

Housing construction, monetary compensation for renting an apartment;

Free provision of clothing and property. Food supply;

Free medical care for military personnel and members of their families. Sanatorium and resort provision;

Military service under the contract can be done in exchange for military service;

Military service under the contract can be done in exchange for military service;

Intense interesting combat training;

Contracted military personnel are eligible for seniority pension;


Who is liable for military service?

Military registration

Military registration is a state system of accounting and analysis of conscripted and liable resources.

Military records of draftees and those liable for military service are maintained:

In military commissariats (separate divisions of military commissariats);

In the relevant local executive and administrative bodies in rural areas, as well as in cities and towns where there are no military commissariats (separate divisions of military commissariats) (referred to as local executive and administrative bodies);

In organizations and educational institutions, regardless of ownership.

Military records are maintained at the place of residence and the main work (study) of citizens.

Military training

Military training is a series of measures to prepare soldiers for military service.

During the training, officers, warrant officers, sergeants and reserve soldiers show a high level of professional skill and training, military discipline, and show diligence and reasonable initiative. The tasks facing those liable for military service are fulfilled in full.

According to the tasks to be solved, military charges are divided into:

- training for study:

as part of military units and subdivisions in full-time military posts for which military servicemen are intended to perform military service in wartime to prepare military servicemen in military registration specialties; on servicing weapons, military equipment and other tangible reserve materiel with their simultaneous study (hereinafter referred to as training fees on servicing the emergency reserve equipment);

- training to verify the mobilization readiness of formations, military units, organizations of the Ministry of Defense, military commissariats and other military formations.

Draft Board

The draft board is a local body of military command and control carrying out military-mobilization and registration-conscription work. Military commissariats are created according to the administrative-territorial principle in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Virtual draft board

Unfortunately, not everyone has enough time to visit the military commissariat with their problem, and putting it off for a long time for many reasons is simply impossible. For this, a virtual draft board was created. From the day of its creation, at any time of the day you can turn to military consultants with any question that is the competence of the military commissariats, and be sure to get an exhaustive, professionally justified answer to it.

Responsibility for evasion

Evasion from conscription is a failure by a conscript to fulfill the obligation imposed on him by law to participate in conscription events in military service. The Criminal Code itself does not contain a definition of evasion, but it contains three articles to which such a definition of evasion may include:

Article 434. Evasion of mobilization draft measures [refers to military draft on mobilization]

Article 435. Evasion of military recruitment events [refers to military conscription, military recruiting officers, reserve service]

Article 436. Evasion of a reservist or a person liable for military service from attendance at fees (classes) [refers to serving in the reserve and recruiting for military and special charges]

Evasion of draft events may be finished with the following:

Failure to appear without good reason on the appropriate summons (directions) to the citizen for draft events;

Failure to appear on the summons (direction) duly handed over to the citizen within five business days after the expiration of valid reasons that prevented the appearance of the summons (direction) at the time indicated in it (if no new valid reasons for the failure to appear during these five working days);

A turnout on a summons (direction) duly handed to the citizen, in which the draftee, without good reason, does not perform the actions prescribed by the summons (direction) [the draft does not take place], including:

Attendance for medical examination and refusal to undergo it;

Attendance for a medical examination, its incomplete passage and early termination due to the fault of the citizen (for example, discharge when smoking in the wrong place);

If the draftee did not appear without good reason for measures to call for military service, as well as serving in the reserve on the agenda or direction of the military registration and enlistment office, then he may be brought to criminal responsibility, but to administrative responsibility under part 3 of article 25.1 of the Administrative Code in the form of a warning or a fine of up to five base units.

Receiving military ranks

A citizen who was not called up for military service or reserve service due to exemption from the draft or the grant of a deferment, at the same time as the military commissar of the district (city) was assigned to the reserve, is awarded the military rank of "ordinary".

The first military rank of reserve officer “junior lieutenant of the reserve” is awarded to a citizen who has completed a full course of military training under the program of reserve officers at the military department or faculty of a secondary specialized education institution, who has passed the exams established by the program and certified for the first military rank of “junior reserve lieutenant” in graduation from an educational institution.

For those liable for military service, having the military ranks of officers, the following terms of service in military ranks are established:

Junior Lieutenant in reserve: 2 years

Lieutenant in reserve: 3 years

Senior Lieutenant in reserve, captain in reserve: 4 years

Major in reserve: 5 years

Lieutenant Colonel in reserve: 6 years

Military dates

Duration of military service

A draftee with higher education will be called up for military service for 12 months. A conscript who does not have higher education will be drafted for a period of 18 months.

Duration of military service in reserve

For reservists, the following terms of service in military ranks are established:

private reserve - one academic year;

Junior reserve sergeant - one academic year;

reserve sergeant, reserve sergeant, reserve foreman - not established.

The military rank “warrant officer” is assigned to a reservist who has higher or secondary special education, who has been trained during his service in the reserve for the military specialty and military position, for which the state has the military rank “warrant officer”, upon completion of service in the reserve, taking into account the delivery of qualifications exams and certification for the awarding of the military rank "ensign".

The military ranks of officers are not assigned to the reservists.

Where can you find actual information?

For current information follow ссылке.

Military Certificate

How to get a military certificate?

Military certificate is a document of a military standard characterizing the attitude of a citizen of Belarus to military duty.

To obtain a military ticket to the military commissariat, you must present:

General Passport

Actual photos

Recruitment Certificate

Why do I need a military certificate?

This document is the only confirmation that the man has resolved all issues with the army and the military registration and enlistment office. In peacetime, military ticket holders are not called up for service. Also, a military certificate is required for official employment, as each employer is obliged in accordance with applicable law to keep military records of employees with the provision of this information to the military enlistment office. Ignoring this requirement is punishable by serious fines.

Premilitary training

Where to get pre-conscription training?

Pre-enrollment training can be completed in the following institutions:

Military Academy

Military faculty in the educational institution “Belarusian State Academy of Aviation”

Faculty of Military Medicine at the educational institution “Belarusian State Medical University”

Military faculty at Belarusian State University

Military faculty at the educational institution “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics”

More information on obtaining pre-conscription training can be found following the link.

Why do you need to undergo pre-conscription training?

The purpose of pre-conscription training is the formation of moral and psychological readiness for military service among young men, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for mastering the duties of a defender of the Fatherland.

In the process of training, draftees and draftees must assimilate the constitutional rights and duties of citizens to protect the state, the mission of the Armed Forces and other military units of the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for military service by soldiers and sergeants, the basic requirements of the Military Oath and military regulations; acquire practical skills and psychological stability, so that, being called up for military service, successfully master the entrusted weapons and military equipment.

Military education in Belarus

You can also become a soldier. In our country, there are several universities that can prepare the future soldiers of our country.

For details follow the link.

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