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курсы русского языка

Russian language courses for foreigners

To begin with, Russian is one of the most popular languages in the world. According to statistics, it is the sixth among all languages of the world in terms of the total number of speakers and the eighth in the number of native speakers. Speaking about Belarus, this is one of the official state languages. Therefore, today more and more foreigners are interested in studying Russian. We will tell you all about the difficulties of studying, format of lessons, schools and centers in this article. If you are interested in learning Russian, then you are on the right page.

The state languages of the Republic of Belarus

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the official languages in the country are Russian and Belarusian. But in practice, most citizens speak Russian. It began with the USSR, where the use of the Russian language was given greater preference.

The main difficulties in learning the Russian language

No matter how beautiful and popular the Russian language is, its study is rightfully considered one of the most difficult. In fact, all the difficulties can be circumvented, but it is worth the titanic effort. Let's analyze some of them.

No fixed word order

In the Russian sentence, the word order is basically free, in contrast to, for example, the English language.

For example, today I go to school, I go to school today, go to school today I, I today go to school. All of these sentences are grammatically correct in Russian.

Gramatical cases and conjugations

But daredevils who have overcome the study of the alphabet are faced with the following obstacle - grammar. To master all the subtleties such as changing number, gender, case of adjectives and nouns, conjugation of verbs, prefixes, endings and suffixes are not easy even for Russian schoolchildren.

 To all these difficulties, an abundance of exception words is also added, which do not obey the general rules. Great difficulty can cause vocabulary words in the Russian language - these are mainly words whose spelling cannot be verified, but must be remembered.


Modern Russian language requires knowledge of seven intonation constructs. That is, one sentence, depending on intonation, can change the meaning. And in conjunction with all the other difficulties, this seems like an overwhelming burden.

Russian language courses for foreigners in Minsk

In Russian language courses, foreign citizens residing in the Republic of Belarus are offered to overcome the language barrier. After all, correctly expressing your thoughts, as well as reading and understanding by ear the speech of a Russian person are necessary things for a full life in the Republic of Belarus.


Streamline School of Foreign Languages in Minsk offers effective Russian language courses for foreigners. General course - a comprehensive multi-level program, available for both beginners from scratch and advanced students. Training takes place individually. Here you are offered training courses of varying lengths, complexity and purpose. They provide an opportunity for language practice. They offer additional language training services to improve the skills of employees in such areas as catering and other service industries.

To study at you should leave a request on the website, take a test to determine your knowledge of the language and begin training. You choose which type of training is suitable for you: group classes, corporate classes, individual lessons or online classes. A convenient schedule will be selected for you, and training will take place according to best practices using modern manuals. You will not regret your choice, as you will receive professional training from experienced teachers.

European Center "SOL Minsk"

Learning Russian for foreigners at the SOL Minsk Training Center is based on three levels:

• Russian language training is conducted under the guidance of highly qualified specialists;

• upon passing each level, a student of the Center is issued a certificate of international level;

• affordable prices, individual discounts and promotions;

• individual lessons in which you will actively improve your communication skill, as well as speaking with native Russian speakers in comfortable conditions.

Before enrolling in a particular course area, you will have an oral interview and written testing to accurately determine your level of language proficiency.

A full Russian language course helps foreign citizens who decide to stay in Russian-speaking countries for a long period of study or work.

Courses at the Minsk State Linguistic University

Intensive classes are conducted using both traditional teaching methods and new educational technologies that allow students to prepare courses for everyday communication in a language environment.

Course participants have the opportunity to engage in groups or individually. And groups are formed taking into account the level of knowledge of the Russian language.

New education

Russian language courses for foreigners in Minsk at the New Education School of Foreign Languages are designed for those for whom the Russian language is not native, and they want to improve their knowledge of the Russian language or start learning it.

You are provided with a 24-hour communication practice in Russian: in shops and markets, in restaurants and cafes, in parks, in the cinema - everywhere. The New Education school will help you one of the leading areas of which is conducting Russian language courses for foreigners. The curriculum for Russian as a foreign language is constantly updated.


Education in this training center provides an opportunity not only to take courses, but also to make new friends from other countries of the world and get acquainted with the city and the country as a whole.

You can enroll in courses at any time convenient for you. Courses are held in equipped classrooms in the city center. All issues are resolved individually. If you want to start training immediately, then a suitable group will be selected for you, and tomorrow you will be able to go to classes!

Teaching foreigners the Russian language is carried out by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience. Their qualifications are confirmed by numerous scientific publications, diplomas for achievements in the professional field and grateful comments from their students who have already learned to speak Russian. And most importantly, Russian is the mother tongue of the teacher.

Russian language courses for foreigners in Minsk are held individually. If you are interested in a quick study of the Russian language, then you are offered the following courses:

• Russian language for foreigners;

• Russian language for citizens of China.

Russian language courses for foreigners in Minsk from "EContact" is an opportunity to learn Russian from elementary to advanced level. The interview with the teacher and the test will determine your current level of proficiency in Russian. Based on the results, you will be offered training that matches your knowledge and goals.

Step by step

The language center “Step by Step” has developed a range of Russian language programs for foreign citizens: specialized courses are provided for various areas of business that allow you to effectively study basic and core vocabulary.

The center offers the highest level of training - each educational program is unique and prepared for you by certified teachers.

During classes, you are involved in situations close to real life, during which speech skills develop. This approach is effective and involves creating a positive atmosphere of trust and cooperation between the teacher and the learner in the lesson.

Pros and cons of group classes

Pluses of group classes:

• the cost of classes in a group is 2-3 times cheaper than individual training;

• focus on teamwork in the future;

• collective work helps to acquire knowledge easier and better;

• a strict class schedule motivates not to miss classes and to keep the general pace of training;

• Peer success is an incentive for other students.

Cons of a group lesson:

• students who are behind the group lose faith in their abilities;

• Tuition is paid immediately for a long time.

Pros and cons of individual lessons

Advantages of an individual lesson:

• selection of a specific pace and method of training;

• effective work and constant communication with the teacher;

• the opportunity to ask the teacher those questions that interest the student to a greater extent;

• an opportunity to express one’s opinion without fear of criticism;

• individual schedule.

Disadvantages of an individual lesson:

• the cost of 1 hour of classes is slightly higher than the classes in the group;

• in some cases, the student loses independence - without the teacher is not able to complete tasks;

• In the future, there may be difficulties with adaptation at the university.

Corporate Russian language learning

The corporate training format within Belarus implies that the teacher with the necessary training materials arrives at the customer’s office and works with the group formed by the customer. A group can have from 1 to 10 students (the optimal number is up to 8 people). Such courses can be ordered for foreign specialists invited to work in the company, or for migrant workers who are members of the organization.

Regardless of the number of people in the group, you pay for the teacher’s work time in the audience, based on the hourly rate.

Russian tutor online

If you have the opportunity, the most effective way will be an online tutor. Indeed, in this case, all the attention is paid to you, and training will be more effective. True, the price is unlikely to please you. But it is your decision. Good luck in learning languages!
