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Universities of Brest

Universities of Brest

If you do not want to enter the universities of the noisy capital, because you like quiet provincial cities, you can enter universities in the regions of Belarus, where the level of education does not differ from the capital. In this article, we will tell you about the universities of Brest that is famous for its monuments to the Great Patriotic War, as well as the ancient buildings with centuries-old history.

About Brest.    

Brest is famous for it’s railway station built by the order of Alexander II, for it’s local "Arbat" – the Soviet pedestrian station with its constant flashlight, lighting ancient gas lanterns, Also there are Gogol Street, where you can meet many characters from the immortal works of the classic and the monument to the Millennium of Brest. Besides, you can visit museum of railway technology, opened after reconstruction on the day of 999 anniversary of Brest.

Картинки по запросу "Брест""

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At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the main citadel of Belarus was the first to take a blow and for 28 days restrained the onslaught of the German invaders. In honor of the defenders of the fortress was erected a grandiose memorial complex, in the center of which was established a monument "Courage" 33.5 m high with the image of a warrior and a banner.

How to choose a university

The first and most important step is to define the profession. If you already know what profession you want to learn, it is easier to choose a higher education institution.

In the second step, you need to make a list of universities where you would like to study and mark the fields of study in which you will be able to learn the chosen profession. You should also note whether you would like to study at a public or private institution of higher learning. A comparative table of pros and cons can be drawn up for this purpose.

In the third stage, you should take into account the passing scores of the previous year. It is important to understand that applicants form the passing score. Competition for admission depends on the admission plan and the popularity of the program of study.

At the final stage, determine the cost of education at the university and its educational potential: teaching staff, international cooperation, the place of the university in international rankings, the opportunity to get an internship abroad, and so on.

Universities of Brest

There are four universities in Brest region: BrSU, BrSTU, PolesSU, BarSU. According to the data for 2018/2019 academic year 20 thousand students are studying there. Two universities are located in Brest (Brest State University and BrSTU), one - in Pinsk (PolesSU) and one - in Baranovichi (BarSU). We will tell about each of them in more detail.

Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin (BrSU)

Address: Brest, 21 Cosmonauts Boulevard

Phone: 80(162)21-65-17


Brief information about the university

BRSU is Brest's oldest university. In 1995 it was transformed into a university from the Brest State Pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Pushkin, established on the basis of the Brest Teachers' Institute. Obtaining the status of a university has led to qualitative changes in educational, scientific and educational work.

Картинки по запросу "БрГУ""

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Today the Pushkin State University is the largest educational institution of the Brest region, the center of scientific research and cultural life of the southwestern Polesie. There are about 560 teachers working at 52 departments of the University, among them 20 doctors of sciences and professors, 240 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

A.S. Pushkin University in Brest is known abroad due to the exchange of teachers and students, joint scientific activities, as well as cultural projects with universities of the near and far abroad. The university opens up a wide range of opportunities for students. The best students undertake internships at universities in Germany, Switzerland, France, Greece, Lithuania and other countries.


Specialists are trained in 9 profiles: "Pedagogy", "Natural Sciences", "Humanities", "Social Protection", "Technology and Technology", "Communication Law. Economics Management. Economics and organization of production", "Ecological sciences", "Public catering. Household services", "Physical culture Tourism and hospitality".

Taking into account the needs of the modern educational services market, Pushkin University systematically opens new specialties. The scientific and pedagogical staffs of the University are widely recognized in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

Pass mark

To enter the full-time department and study for a fee in 2019 you had to score only 163 points, and to get to the budget department you had to score at least 195 points. However, the amount of points varies depending on the faculty and specialty.

Annual tuition fee

The cost of education in BrSU on the full-time form of education from 2,200$ to 2500$ per year, and on correspondence from 1200$ to 1300$ per year.

Brest State Technical University (BrSTU)

Address:  Brest, 267 Moskovskaya Street

Phone: 80(162)32-17-32


Brief information about the university

In connection with the active construction that took place in Belarus in the 1960s and the transformation of Brest into an industrial center, it became necessary to open a higher education institution of construction profile in the western region of the country. And this university was created. On April 1, 1966, the Brest Institute of Civil Engineering and Construction started to work – this date became the official date of birth of the Brest State Technical University.

Картинки по запросу "БрГТУ""

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BRSTU is Brest's main technical university. It prepares future specialists for construction, architecture, electronics, mechanical engineering, economics, programming and ecology. It is possible to master the basics of these disciplines on daytime, shortened and evening forms.

The University consists of 5 main faculties:

  • construction;
  • engineering systems and ecology;
  • engineering;
  • economics;
  • electronic information systems.

For foreign nationals it is possible to study the following specialties in English:

  • industrial and civil engineering (qualification – civil engineer);
  • logistics (qualification – logistics economist);
  • industrial electronics (qualification – radio electronics engineer);
  • computer systems, machines and networks (qualification – system engineer);
  • artificial Intelligence (qualification – system Engineer);
  • automated information processing systems (qualification – IT engineer).
  • Pass mark
  • To enter the BrSTU in 2019, you had to collect only 118 points for a paid branch, and for a budget minimum of 151 points.

Annual tuition fee

The cost of the courses is 1600$, and the duration of 1 year.

The cost of training at the 1st stage of higher education in Russian is 2200-2600$ per year, and in English - 3500$ per year.

Polesye State University (PolesSU)

Address: Pinsk, 4 Pushkin Street

Phone: 80(165)31-21-60


PolesSU is a young but promising regional university, where study biotechnology, banking, healthy lifestyle and economics. The university teaches full-time and part-time forms.

The University was established on April 5, 2006 on the basis of the Pinsk branch of the Belarusian State Economic University and the Pinsk State Higher Banking College of the National Bank of Belarus.

Картинки по запросу "ПолесГУ""

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From 2006 to 2013, the University was subordinate to the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, and on April 2, 2013, the educational institution was subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


The university has the following faculties:

  • banking (specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Information Systems and Technologies”);
  • economics (specialties “Economy and Management at the Enterprise”, “Marketing”, “Tourism and Hospitality”);
  • biotechnological (specialties “Biology (biotechnology)”, “Biology (scientific and production activity)”, “Garden and park construction”, “Industrial fish breeding”);
  • healthy lifestyle organizations (specialties  “Physical education”, “Health and adaptive physical education”, “Physical rehabilitation and ergotherapy”);
  • faculty of additional education.

Pass mark

A minimum of 173 points was required for the 2019 budget and 147 points for the toll office.

Annual tuition fee

The cost of education in Russian is 2,500$ per year in full-time form and 1,400$ per year in absentia.

Baranovichi State University (BarSU)

Address: Baranovichi, 21 Voykova Street

Phone: 80(163)66-53-73


Brief information about the university

The University was opened on 23 June 2004 to bring higher education institutions closer to the regions, bringing them closer to citizens of Belarus, most of whom live in rural areas.

Картинки по запросу баргу

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The university has 5 faculties:

  • of pedagogy and psychology;
  • engineering;
  • of economic and law;
  • Slavic and Germanic languages;
  • of pre-university training.

Among the specialties of the university:

  • agronomy;
  • information systems and technologies (by directions);
  • engineering technology;
  • geoecology;
  • social pedagogy;
  • foreign languages (with indication of languages);
  • jurisprudence;
  • marketing, etc.

Pass mark

The entrance minimum for a paid department in 2019 was 150 points, and for the budget 208 points.

Annual training cost

The cost of full-time education is about $1,200 per year on average, and about $600-700 per year for part-time education.

If you still don't know where you want to go and what you want to do, it's best to start with a profession rather than a university. You may be able to do this by taking a vocational guidance test or by consulting a specialist. If you have already made up your mind and know what you want to study, we are looking forward to hearing from you and hoping you will join our students.