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Technical inspection

Where and how to pass technical inspection in Belarus?

In Belarus, every car owner, if he does not want to have problems with representatives of the Gosavtoinspektsiya and cares about his own safety, then in accordance with the Law on Road Traffic, he is obliged to pay a fee for participation in road traffic; and the vehicle belonging to him passes the state technical inspection procedure (hereinafter state inspection).

What is an inspection?

State inspection — a set of vehicle checks in the network of Beltekhosmotr enterprises and / or organizations authorized by the company with the issuance of the corresponding conclusion in the form of a diagnostic card .

What is checked during inspection?

  1. Brake system;
  2. Steering;
  3. External lighting devices;
  4. Visibility (glass, wipers);
  5. Wheels and tires;
  6. Engine;
  7. Body and cab;
  8. Running gear elements;
  9. Elements of a complete set.

Why do I need inspection?

Passing the inspection procedure, the car owner contributes to the principle of road safety and his own safety in general, because any vehicle is primarily a source of increased danger, and a technically faulty car is a kind of time bomb: you never guess when it “Detonates” — either the wheels will fall off along the way, or the brakes will jam at a sharp turn ... We also carry out the prevention of various kinds of breakdowns due to a complex of measures measures to prepare the vehicle for internal and external inspection. Thus, the pluses are obvious, minus — only one, —price.

Preparation for the inspection

Documents for the inspection

  • certificate of registration (technical pass, technical passport) of the vehicle;
  • certificate of state technical inspection;
  • a document confirming the conclusion of a compulsory civil liability insurance contract for the vehicle owner;
  • driver's license and a ticket to it;
  • health certificate (optional);
  • drivers who are in military service or military service under a contract provide a military ticket.
  • receipt of payment for the procedure.

Car preparation

For conducting a state inspection, a clean vehicle is provided at the diagnostic station. In the dirty form, passing inspection is prohibited. Prepare a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher, warning triangle for presentation. In the medicine cabinet, check the expiration date of all medicines, as they often forget about it. See how all the lights work. The hand brake (handbrake), windshield washers and wipers must be in good condition. Tires should not be “bald” and each axle should have the same tread. The signal must also be healthy. Seat belts should work — in some cases they are also checked. Doors, door locks — should open and close without problems. For buses and trucks — wheel chocks. At many stations, for an additional fee, you can additionally check the brake system, measure the exhaust smoke, toxicity of the exhaust gases, check the total play in the steering, the condition of the suspension or steering elements, the degree of light transmission of the windows.

The cost of inspection and features of payment

Inspection fee consists of several payments:

1. payment of state duty for the issuance of a permit to allow a vehicle to participate in traffic. For cars, it costs from three to seven base units for individuals and legal entities, respectively.

2. payment for the inspection procedure performed by the diagnostic station. The amount of payment for the inspection procedure depends on the type of vehicle. It varies from 18.5 — 35 rubles, for a car and a bus, respectively.

3. payment of a certificate (sticker) about the inspection passed — 8, 1 rubles.

Do not forget that when paying with the ERIP electronic system, in the field “Purpose of payment” when paying the state duty for issuing permission to allow the vehicle to participate in traffic, instead of the registration sign, the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate (technical passport) are indicated , in respect of which the state duty is paid. 

How often it is necessary to undergo inspection.

If you are not a legal entity, and the age of your car is up to ten years, then you go through this procedure once every two years. If your transport is older than ten years — annually, if you are engaged in passenger traffic — once every six months.

Where can I get a checkup in Belarus.

In total, as of 2020, 227 enterprises are registered in the country that provide state-of-the-art inspection services, issuing permits for transportation, including dangerous goods.

Car services: all car parks, state service stations.

Subdivisions of Beltekhosmotr UE (the largest, offering a full range of services):

  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr" in Brest region: 224020 g . Brest, st. 2nd Factory, 4-5, fax 8-0162-341-228
  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr" in Vitebsk region: 210017 g . Vitebsk, st. 6th Surazhskaya, 9a, fax 8 (021) 267-85-64
  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr» the Gomel region: 246015, g . Gomel, st. Textile, 10B-2, fax 8023 251-84-67
  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr" in Grodno region: 230003, g . Grodno, pr. T Cosmonauts, 60 "K", tel / fax 8 015 271-25-97
  • Beltekhosmotr UP Branch in the Minsk Region: 223021, Minsk Region Minsk region, Ozertso station, 28 km of Moscow Ring Road, 19 Menkovsky Trakt, tel (8017) 380-09-02, fax (8017) 507-62-08
  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr" of the Mogilev region: 212013 g . Mogilev, 1a Schmidt Ave., 2nd floor, tel / fax (80222) 62-77-04
  • branch UE "Beltehosmotr" in Minsk: 220033, g . Minsk, st. Vaneeva, 40, pom. 403, tel. 8 (017) 380-09-01, fax (8017) 379-73-47

The company has its own website, as well as a link to social networks:




Responsibility for not passing inspection.

It is punishable by a fine from one to three basic units (from 27 to 83 rubles), for repeated violation during the year — from two to five basic units (from 54 to 135 rubles). Frankly, many car owners still prefer to experience fortune in the issue of passing inspection, and especially the payment of road tax. Since not so long ago, these were interconnected taxes. That is, the mark on passing the inspection was not put down without a certificate of payment of road tax. Of course, such a system caused a lot of complaints, both on the part of ordinary car owners and on the part of Belgostekhosmotr employees. According to the director of the enterprise, the number of people wishing to check their car has noticeably decreased since the introduction of this requirement at the legislative level.

Road tax in Belarus

Amount of the road tax

On December 31, 2013, a law was signed that obliges vehicle owners to pay a state duty for issuing permits for their car to participate in traffic, popularly called a road tax. The size of the state fee for issuing a permit to allow a vehicle to participate in traffic depends on the size of the base amount (from January 1, 2020 — 27 rubles ) and is:

for a passenger car with a permissible maximum mass:

  • up to 1.5 tons — 3 basic quantities (81 rubles);
  • from 1.5 to 2 tons — 6 basic units (162 rubles);
  • from 2 to 3 tons — 8 basic units (216 rubles);
  • more than 3 tons — 11 basic units (297 rubles);

for a trailer with a permissible maximum mass:

  • up to 0.75 tons — 2 basic quantities (54 rubles);
  • more than 0.75 tons — 11 basic units (297 rubles);

for the trailer—cottage (caravan) — 2 basic units (54 rubles);

for a truck, a towing vehicle, a utility vehicle with a maximum permissible weight:

  • up to 2.5 tons — 8 basic quantities;
  • from 2.5 to 3.5 tons — 17 basic units (459 rubles);
  • from 3.5 to 12 tons — 22 basic quantities (594 rubles);
  • more than 12 tons — 25 basic units (675 rubles);

per bus with the number of seats:

  • up to 20 inclusive — 12 basic units (324 rubles);
  • from 21 to 40 inclusive — 17 basic units (459 rubles);
  • over 40 — 22 basic units (594 rubles);

for a motorcycle — 2 basic units (54 rubles);

How often is the road tax charged?

The duty is paid once a year by car owners older than 10 years and once every two years, but in a double amount, by car owners less than 10 years. You can pay the fee at any branch of the bank, at the post office, Beltelecom offices and other post offices. After payment, the check must be saved and presented during the inspection.

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