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This article will focus on one of the largest banks in our country - Priorbank. Here you will find general information about the bank, a description of services, payment cards, the latest technologies implemented in the work of the institution, the addresses of branches and ATMs in the city of Minsk, contact information for communication.

General information about Priorbank

In 1989, this bank was registered as the Minsk Innovation Bank, its specialization was the financing of innovative projects. The leading enterprises of the Soviet Union were the shareholders of this financial institution. However, when new persons came to the Board of Management, it was decided to make the bank universal - to obtain a license to carry out foreign exchange operations and change its name to Priorbank. Today it is a commercial bank, the main shareholder of which has been the Austrian banking group Raiffeisen CIS Region Holding GmbH since 2003. The bank annually receives various awards and is included in the ratings of the best banks in the world according to various financial publications.

Services for individuals

• Loans

• Placement of savings

• Issue of cards in rubles and foreign currency

• Realization of property

• Service

• Online banking

• Mobile bank

•Contact center

Services for legal entities

• Opening and maintenance of current accounts in various currencies

• Client-bank - conducting payment transactions remotely

• Mobile application for business 2.0

• Packages of settlement and cash services

• Accept payments using Prior Cass smartphone

• Non-banking services from partners: lawyer, SEO-promotion, courier delivery of banking products

• Contact center

• Personal manager

• Salary projects

• Corporate cards

• Acquiring

Serving foreign citizens

The bank can serve both citizens of Belarus and foreign citizens. To contact the bank, it is important to have an identity document (passport, residence permit, refugee certificate) translated into Russian or Belarusian and notarized.

Priorbank payment cards

Priorbak offers two types of cards: credit and debit. A debit card can be obtained for payments for goods and services, cash withdrawals. A credit card is issued when there is not enough personal funds for purchases. Today there are only 27 card offers.

Credit cards:

• for large purchases Visa Gold,

• for daily shopping,

• overdraft to the pension account,

• overdraft to the salary account and others.

Debit cards:

• virtual card (BYN),

• Visa Infinite (BYN)

• MasterCard Standard (BYN),

• Visa Gold (BYN),

• Pension Mastercard Standart and others.

The client can choose a card from the payment system: VISA, MasterCard; Belkart. The amount of annual service depends on the specific type of product selected and the service package used. To apply for a card, you need to provide a passport, income statement (for credit products), an application. You can familiarize yourself with all the cards and packages of services offered to them on the bank's website on your own, with the help of an online consultant or by contacting the bank branch in person.

Priorbak cardholders can:

• withdraw cash or view the balance in the CIS countries where PriorBank operates.

• make payments in all self-service devices of any banks in Belarus without commission with a withdrawal amount of up to 200 BYN per month,

If you have any problems or questions related to servicing the Priorbank card, you can contact the round-the-clock support service by phone: +375 17 289 90 90.

Internet bank

With the help of the Internet banking service, having access to the Internet and a computer, you can:

• Request account statements;

• Provide information on banking products (deposits, loans);

• Leave an application for opening deposits, obtaining loans, bank cards, etc .;

• Carry out internal transfers to a bank card or transfer to accounts in other banks;

• Convert existing funds on a card or current account (for legal entities);

The Internet banking service provides a personal account for managing services via the Internet from anywhere in the world. Thus, it is convenient, saves time on transport and you should not adjust your actions to the working hours of the bank branch. On the bank's website, you can download special applications for the operation of Internet banking on the IOS, Android platform. Also here you can leave your opinion about the work of applications and wishes for their optimization.

Mobile bank

Prior Online mobile bank is a convenient and intuitive application created so that you can, using your mobile phone or tablet:

• quickly make payments and transfers to any cards of Priorbank or other banks in Belarus and abroad,

• block and unblock cards,

• issue banking products,

• change limits and make payments in the Settlement system (ERIP),

• search for ATMs and bank branches.

The application allows you to set up automatic payment, open a deposit or complete any other operation in a matter of minutes, saving time on visiting a bank branch. Mobile banking is a safe way to manage your personal finances. All banking transactions performed in the mobile version are confirmed by electronic checks and comply with the highest security requirements for transactions on the Internet. You can save the password for logging into the application on the device, as well as choose one of the alternative security settings for logging in - Smart code, pattern or biometric parameters.

Branches and ATMs of Priorbank in Minsk

Priorbank branches in Minsk are located at the following addresses:

• Prospect Partizansky 107

• Ave Partizansky 182

• Prospect Partizansky 150A

• Prospect Partizansky 56/2

• pr-t Dzerzhinsky 126

• avenue Dzerzhinsky 122

• Prospect Dzerzhinsky 104

• st. Nemiga 30

• st. Radial, 38A

• Prospect of Independence 172

• st. Makayonka 23

• st. Gorodetskaya 30

• st. Peter Mstislavets 13

• Prospect of Independence 168/2

• st. Logoisk tract 15/1

• avenue Masherova 40

• st. Belinsky 23

• st. Pritytsky 105

• st. Pritytsky 91

• st. Pritytsky 30A

• st. Goretsky 2

• st. Pritytsky 156-7

• st. Timiryazeva 65A

• st. Komsomolskaya 13

• st. Kropotkina 91

• st. Timiryazeva 123/1

• 125 Winners Ave.

There are about 124 ATMs and information kiosks in Minsk, which is a significant indicator of convenience for the bank's customers. Their exact addresses and opening hours can be found on the official website of the Priorbank.

Priorbank contact information

A single number of the bank's support services: + 375-17-289-90-90, or short 487 (For A1, MTS, life subscribers). Head office address: 220002, Minsk, st. Vera Khoruzhei 31A. Subscribe to social networks (FB, Vk, Viber, Twitter, Tg) to the bank's newsletters and you will always be aware of the latest events.