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Carsharing “Vezuha”
Carsharing “Vezuha”

Carsharing “Vezuha”

General information about the Vezuha

Vezuha is a convenient short-term car rental service without a driver with a free parking zone. You don't need to buy a private car, just download the app.

The mobile application is available free of charge on the Playmarket and Appstore. After downloading the application, you need to open the map. As soon as the service recognizes your location, information about the nearest vehicle will be available to you. By clicking on any car on the map, you can find out its brand, fuel level and book it, or choose another car

If you are tripled by all of the above parameters, confirm your reservation. Then you will start counting down the time (20 minutes), during which you need to get to the car. Do not rush to start the trip; first, inspect the car for damage, inflated wheels and other nuances. If you do not like the technical condition of the car, please inform the service by phone or by e-mail.

We remind you that after 20 minutes of free booking, the paid waiting period begins.

Once you have arrived on the designated route, make sure of the following factors:

- there are no roofs above the car that will interfere with the GPS signal;

- you are not standing in a parking lot closed by a barrier;

- car in the area allowed for the end of the lease.

Check the interior for debris, breakdowns, etc. Then you need to get out of the car and click "End rental".

Services in the Vezuha

Vezuha provides transportation services to customers. You just need to download the application, find out the address of the nearest car, and use the car sharing service.

Requirements for drivers of the Vezuha

Anyone can use the service if they have a driver's license. To do this, you need to register in the application, enter your personal account and link the card.

Vezuha contact information

For any questions of interest, please call +37529 112-02-21.