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The Archcathedral Church of the Holy Virgin Mary in Minsk
The Archcathedral Church of the Holy Virgin Mary in Minsk

The Archcathedral Church of the Holy Virgin Mary in Minsk

History of the Archcathedral Church named after the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk

The Archcathedral Church of the Holy Virgin Mary is the main temple in Minsk, as well as one of the most recognizable churches in Belarus. The history of the church begins in 1710, when a Jesiut residence was built in its place.

In 1798, the Minsk diocese was built on this site the Cathedral of the Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Behind the temple itself there was a building for the residence of the prelate fathers and canons. Later, a parish house was opened in its place.

The temple was repeatedly destroyed and burned, but thanks to various figures it was not only renewed, but also became richer and more famous (at the end of the 19th century, the Minsk Mariinsky parish numbered up to 8000 parishioners).

In 1993, the building of the church was completely handed over to the believers, and a year later the temple was awaited by complex restoration work. Again the chime of church bells spread over the city as a symbol of rebirth, purification, and hope.

The architecture of the archcathedral church named after the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk

The Archcathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an architectural monument in the Baroque style. The main feature of the architectural solution was the composition of the main altar with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

During the construction, the architects applied their own method, according to which the cathedral itself was moved several meters in depth compared to the buildings located nearby, and a small courtyard was formed in front of it. Inside you can recognize the sculptures of the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as the figure of the Virgin Mary with Jesus.

Church shop of the archcathedral church named after the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk

Unfortunately, there is no church shop in the church, so we advise you to purchase all the necessary accessories in advance.

All detailed information about donations or tourist routes can be obtained from church officials.

How to get to the Archcathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Minsk?

The church is located in the very center of Minsk, so you will not have problems with transport links. You can get to the capital of Belarus in any convenient way, take bus number 1 at the station, and get off at the Palats Sportu stop.