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Designers in Minsk Designers

Best design studios and designers in Minsk

If you decide to hire a designer to make you fashionable repairs in the Scandinavian style, but do not know where to apply for quality services, then we will tell you how to choose a professional and what services the designer will provide you.

What kind of designers are?

New information technologies are changing formats and increasing the importance of design not only for high-tech industries, but also for fashion, interior and architecture, which increases the demand for the profession of designers creating in more traditional industries.

10 most popular designer professions:

  • game-designer;
  • animator;
  • interior designer;
  • architecture designer;
  • graphic designer;
  • designer of mobile applications;
  • web-designer;
  • product designer;
  • fashion designer;
  • interior designer.

Directions of design

UX Designer

UX design is responsible for the functionality, adaptability of the product and what emotions it evokes in users. The simpler your interface, the easier it is for the user to get the result and perform the targeted action.

Industrial design

The purpose of industrial design is to determine the functionality, quality and appearance of industrial products.

Web Design

Web design is a kind of graphic design. Web design is an artistic component of websites and user web-interfaces.

Graphic design

Graphic design - activities aimed at designing and creating a favorable, visual communication environment.

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The game-designer determines what the game and its graphics should be.

Architectural design

Architectural design - design for the design of buildings and their construction.

Interior design

Interior design is one of the directions of spatial environment design, aimed at decorating the interior, creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment of residential and industrial premises. It equally includes such disciplines as artistic and industrial design.

Light Design

Lighting design - a kind of design entirely aimed at working with light and lighting fixtures.

Three items such as can distinguish the main aspects:

  • aesthetic perception - the creation of an emotional atmosphere conducive to people of different layers and ages;
  • ergonomic aspect - the ability of light to influence the ability to work and the mood of people;
  • energy efficiency - the expediency of energy consumption for lighting a given area, without excessive re-lighting or darkening of the surface in accordance with the designer's idea.

Landscape design

Landscape design is a combination of various actions aimed at landscaping, as well as landscaping and domestication of areas. As a rule, it combines architecture, crop production and information from history.

Sustainable design

Eco design - "green" design, which draws the attention of society to the attitude towards natural resources and their appropriate use and consumption. Ecological design, in addition to the usual aesthetic requirements, pays attention to:

  • resource consumption;
  • origin of materials;
  • safety of product use;
  • easy and safe disposal.

Interior Design Studio

Interior designers and architects in Minsk

The main activity of designers and architects in Minsk is interior design and complex turnkey repair. Design companies provide services in the application of decorative plaster, design of private houses and cottages, author's support of the project, 3D-visualization.


  • apartment design;
  • home design;
  • design of commercial objects;
  • design of facades;
  • landscape design;
  • repair;
  • decorative plaster;
  • author's support.

Some companies provide services such as architectural design, interior design and object design.

Design bureaus are involved in the design of private residences. The individual, complex approach includes, in addition to the architectural appearance, the development of a detailed planning solution for interior spaces and site planning with elements of improvement at an early stage of design.

On the sites of companies, you can calculate the preliminary cost of design and see the portfolio.

How much interior design services in Minsk costs?

The price of a design project in Minsk depends on the purpose and area of your premises and the tariff plan that you choose. The studio will advise you in the selection of services of the designer, as well as help in choosing a tariff or form an individual cost of interior design. The final cost of the design project is formed after agreement on the list of works, which includes the designer's working hours and a detailed schedule with deadlines.

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How to order a design project of an apartment or house in Minsk?

You can order a design project of an apartment or a house in the city of Minsk on the site of the selected company or consult by phone with a specialist studio. We recommend choosing one of the companies listed on this page.

It is almost impossible to create a design of an apartment or house yourself without proper skills. However, choosing a designer is not an easy task, so always pay attention to the competence of a specialist. Look at this:

  • if a designer comes to the room to inspect it before you start creating a project;
  • whether the designer has made a sketch design and developed a design project;
  • whether the designer comes to the site to monitor the progress of the work.

If you follow these simple rules, you will definitely not be mistaken in choosing a specialist.