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Belarusian State Academy of Arts
Belarusian State Academy of Arts

Belarusian State Academy of Arts

Preparatory courses for applicants

Preparatory courses are open to applicants to help them unleash their creativity and go to university. The training is carried out by the best teachers of the BSAI.

Among the variety of preparatory courses are distinguished:

• preparatory department for foreign citizens. In addition to creative disciplines, students are taught the basics of the Russian language and also the basics of the history of Belarus.

• Preparatory department for citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

Training in the following disciplines:

drawing, composition, acting skills, theater direction, etc.

Training is carried out on a paid basis.

All the necessary information can be obtained on the official website of the university or by phone +375 17 378 06 03.

University admission

If you have decided on a place for further training, and BGAI became it, you should take the following steps:

1. Collect a package of documents:

• application on the template of the university;

• a copy of your passport;

• copies of the education certificate.

As soon as the selection committee gets acquainted with your documents, you will be presented with a list of works that you will be required to submit within a limited time frame.

2. After reviewing the selection committee with your work, they will report their decision. If the decision is positive, you will be sent an invitation to study, which is necessary to obtain a study visa.