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Belarusian State University of Transport
Belarusian State University of Transport

Belarusian State University of Transport

Preparatory courses for applicants

Every year, thousands of applicants are faced with the process of moving to a more serious stage of education. To get past this stage, you need to meet with an introductory campaign. Schoolchildren and applicants usually try their hand at rehearsal testing, study the conditions of admission, a list of specialties and passing scores. If you have decided on a university, then you can try another way of admission - to take preparatory courses.

With the onset of the new academic year, university employees conduct preparatory courses, where active career guidance work is carried out with students with different levels of education.

University employees often come to the Gomel State Regional Lyceum, where they show high school students promotional videos about the university and daytime specialties.

The most popular specialties among applicants are "Information Systems and Technologies", "Industrial and Civil Engineering" and "Architecture".

Those students who take preparatory courses are the first to learn about the possibilities of undergoing military training (which is of particular interest to the male part of future students), about the material and technical base and directions of our scientific activity.

Training in preparatory courses is paid, for details, contact the university representatives.

University admission

To make a decision on admission, you must familiarize yourself with all the nuances of training. To do this, go to the official website of the university. There you will find information about the specialties of the university, view the calendar of planned events and fill out the applicant's application form.

The list of documents submitted to the selection committee by applicants for full-time and part-time education can also be found on the official website of the university.