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Mosque in Novogrudok
Mosque in Novogrudok

Mosque in Novogrudok

The history of the creation of the Mosque in Novogrudok

In 1855, thanks to retired major Alexander Asanovich, a mosque was opened. Until 1939, there was a religious school at the mosque ‒ mekteb. On September 22, 1929, the President of Poland visited the mosque in Novogrudok, after which funding appeared for the reconstruction of the mosque building. The builders made a galvanized roof completely replaced the upholstery of the walls. In the late 50s, black stripes appeared in the history of the mosque, as the building was closed and rebuilt into living quarters. On July 11, 1997, the mosque resumed its activities. This event was timed to coincide with the 600th anniversary of the settlement of the Tatars in Belarus.

Mosque architecture

The mosque in Novogrudok stands out for its modest architecture: a typically Tatar «house with a minaret» was built even without a traditional tent. The mosque is a square building with a mihrab, which is covered with a hipped roof. In the center of the mihrab there is a minaret, which ends with a dome. According to tradition, the interior of the building is divided into male and female halves, each with a separate entrance. Windows and doors are finished with white painted plat bands. The whole building is made of wood. Today, a visit to the mosque in Novogrudok is an obligatory item in the plan of acquaintance with the sights of the city among tourists.

Church shop Mosque in Novogrudok

As in any church, the doors in the shop at the temple are open here. Opening hours are somewhat different from the visiting hours for parishioners, since you can get to the temple around the clock, any day. The shop is open from 8 am to 7 pm.

How to get to the Mosque in Novogrudok

Novogrudok is a very young and comfortable city for life; therefore everything is very good with transport links. You can reach the city from Minsk by car in 2 hours, having driven about 150 km, for this there are two options for the way - along the M6 or P11 highway. Both minibuses and regular buses run here constantly. The ticket price is about 7 rubles. For lovers of romance, there is a transfer option using electric trains or a regular reserved seat train. If you love sports and do not mind cycling, then know that it is quite possible to get to Novogrudok from Minsk in 7 hours by bike, but here it is important to take into account the season and weather conditions. The exact address of the mosque is st. Lenin, 28 or GPS coordinates: 53.5936, 25.8251.