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Belarusian State Academy of Communications
Belarusian State Academy of Communications

Belarusian State Academy of Communications

History of the Belarusian State Academy of Communications

The history of the university began in 1910, when the School of supervisors and qualified communications employees was opened in Minsk. In those days, the national economy was actively developing, which required the provision of communication facilities. Minsk needed highly qualified communication specialists.

After 20 years, the Minsk Electrotechnical School of Communications (METS) was opened on the site of the school. Here they trained specialists and developed training plans, some of which are relevant to this day.

During the Second World War, the building of the technical school suffered greatly, only fragments of the walls remained from it. Therefore, the METS was restored almost from scratch.

Already in the 50s, construction of a new building began. Experts have almost completely recreated the previous building of the technical school. The builders, together with the students and teaching staff, rebuilt the building of the technical school and the hostel.

After the restoration, the technical school breathed new life. Sports sections, literary and choral circles began to open, and the Great Patriotic War Museum became the main asset.

Students took an active part in the social and cultural life of the technical school, and the tradition of internal volleyball tournaments has been preserved to this day.

Over time, the technical school was replenished with new staff, and at the same time, educational and methodological support was developing. New specialties were opened, and training was carried out according to the plan of the best teachers. After graduation, specialists found jobs in government organizations or in different cities of the USSR.

In 1977, foreign applicants began to be invited to the technical school. The institution of education began to visit teachers and employees of universities from 47 countries of the world.

For all the time, students and teaching staff have won not a single award, both republican and international.

In 2009, the technical school published the first edition of the student newspaper "College Bulletin". Issues began to appear every month, and then she was awarded the diploma "The best newspaper of the college" among all educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

In 2015, the technical school was renamed into the Belarusian State Academy of Communications.

Specialties at BSAC

The Academy invites applicants who have completed grades 9-11 in the following specialties:

• Telecommunication networks;

• Systems of radio communication, broadcasting, television;

• Software testing;

• Postal communication.

Admission to BSAC

Applicants wishing to enter BGAS must prepare the following documents:

• 6 photographs (3x4 cm);

• Documents about education with an application;

• Certificates of CT conducted in Belarus in the year of admission or in the previous year;

• Medical certificate of the established form;

• Documents on benefits;

• Documents confirming Belarusian nationality;

•The passport.

Master's degree at BSAC

The Academy provides an opportunity to study at the second stage of higher education. For admission, students will be required to pass oral exams in three disciplines corresponding to the chosen specialty.

For the specialty public administration - computer information technology, organization economics and the basics of business and law.

For the specialty of radio physics - physics, engineering and technology of wireless communication, the basics of information security.

For the specialty automation - the basics of information security, computer networks, Internet technologies.

Distance learning at BSAC

In 2000, the Academy opened the Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Education. Students are taught in the following specialties:

• Automation and management of technological processes and production;

• Hardware and software and hardware support of information security;

• Infocommunication systems;

• Infocommunication technologies;

• Economics and enterprise management;

• Marketing;

• Postal communication;

• Telecommunication networks;

• Systems of radio communication, broadcasting and television;

• Postal communication.