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Belarusian State University
Belarusian State University

Belarusian State University

History of BSU

The history of the university began in 1921, when it was decided to open a state university in Minsk. The teaching staff of the university was formed from the best specialists in Moscow and Kiev universities.

The formation of BSU is associated with the beginning of the formation of science in our country.

In the same year, a scientific society was formed at the university, which trained personnel capable of making great changes in the fate of our country.

The faculties of the university were distinguished by various fields of study. So, both doctors and builders were trained at the university. Students have been trained for several years, and also had the opportunity to share experience and knowledge.

After 10 years, the teaching staff of the university was interested in building international relations with universities in Poland, Czechoslovakia, the USA, etc.

Gradually, more and more educational institutions were opened in the capital, but BSU did not lose its relevance. Thousands of applicants have always sought to enter here.

In 1937, the university began to accept doctoral theses and dissertations for defense, while graduates were awarded a scientific degree.

The teaching staff and structure of the university have experienced difficulties and setbacks. This was due to a difficult period in the country's history. In the same years, educational support units were formed: museums, biological stations, a greenhouse, etc.

The University was very upset by the events of the Second World War. Most of the university students and staff went to the front. Fortunately, in the summer of 1944, students continued to study within the walls of the university. Some were awarded awards and titles of heroes of the Soviet Union. A little later, an obelisk was erected near the main building in memory of the heroes who returned us a peaceful sky overhead.

The university returned the pre-war state only by the 1950s.

The university developed thanks to the ability to work and the enthusiasm of students and their teachers. Gradually, there is a development in the field of mathematics, medicine and the humanities.

Both the faculties of BSU and the infrastructure of the university received development. For example, a memorial was erected in the courtyard of the university in memory of famous figures of Belarusian science and culture.

Faculties of BSU

Today BSU students study at the following faculties:

• Biology Faculty;

• Military Faculty;

• Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics;

• Faculty of Social and Cultural Communications;

• Institute of Business, BSU;

• Institute of Theology named after Saints Methodius and Cyril;

• History faculty;

• Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics;

• Faculty of Journalism;

• Faculty of International Relations;

• Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics;

• Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies;

• Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences;

• Faculty of Physics;

• Faculty of Philology;

•Chemical faculty;

•Faculty of Economics;

• Faculty of Law.

Admission to BSU

The admissions office of the university asks to prepare the following documents for applicants:

• a statement on the sample;

• documents on education with an application;

• certificates of CT held in the Republic of Belarus in the year of admission / previous year;

• medical certificate of health status;

• documents on entrant's benefits;

• two photos of 3x4 size.

Education for foreign students at BSU

The university offers admission not only to Belarusian students, but also to foreign citizens. Students from foreign countries always feel hospitality and kindness here. They can openly participate in all activities and events of the university, and students are always happy to acquaint them with the culture of the country and take them to interesting places in Minsk.

The admission procedure for foreign citizens is different, because they must take into account registration, health insurance, visits to migration services, etc.

All the details can be found on the university website.

International cooperation of BSU

BSU tries to actively develop cooperation with foreign universities. Today BSU is a university that has the largest number of signed agreements with universities in other countries. BSU's European partners are Jena and Bochum universities, Warsaw and Krakow universities, Charles University, etc.

The presence of such a number of foreign allies allows university students to participate in international scientific conferences and seminars, as well as to combine their efforts with the efforts of foreign students. In addition, the best students and teachers of the university are given the opportunity to internships in the best universities in the world.

The International Relations Department coordinates the international activities of BSU.