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Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin

Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin

History of the Mozyr State Pedagogical University I.P. Shamyakina

The history of the university began in 1944, when the educational work of the Rogachev Teachers' Institute resumed in Mozyr. The first graduates received their diplomas in 1946. The shortage of specialists in schools in Polesye ceased, and schoolchildren began to study according to a new educational program.

Throughout its history, the university has been renamed more than once and given names of various cultural figures. Today the university bears the name of the social and political figure Ivan Petrovich Shamyakin.

The university has earned the status of a leading university in the Mozyr region for the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies and the development of priority research areas.

For 75 years of operation, the university has opened many specialties that prepare teachers for almost the entire spectrum of school subjects.

The teaching staff carries out activities aimed at improving the educational process, organizing the educational process and strengthening the material and technical base.

Today the university is interested in the development of international cooperation. Agreements on joint activities have already been signed with universities in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, etc.

Faculties of Mozyr State Pedagogical University I.P. Shamyakina

Being the best university in Polesie region, the university teaches students at the following faculties:

• Technological and biological faculty;

• Faculty of Physics and Engineering;

• Faculty of preschool and primary education;

• Faculty of Physical Education;

• Faculty of Philology.

Admission to the Mozyr State Pedagogical University I.P. Shamyakina

Each applicant wishing to enter the Mozyr State Pedagogical University is obliged to bring the following documents to the selection committee:

•The passport;

• Application by sample;

• Educational document with attachment;

• CT certificates for the current and (or) previous year;

• Medical certificate in the form;

• 6 photos 3 * 4 cm;

• Documents on benefits with photocopies;

• 2 postal envelopes.

Education for foreign students at MSPU I.P. Shamyakina

Foreign citizens are required to take training courses before admission. The courses are taught by the best specialists of the university. For an effective result of pre-university training, teachers use new communicative techniques, methods of media teaching and independent work.

The most interested students have access to excursion tours to the cultural and historical places of Belarus, classes in sports clubs, gyms, art and creative workshops.

Foreign citizens can not bother themselves with finding apartments, because they are provided with student dormitories.

As soon as the preparation courses are over, students take an exam and receive a certificate of the established form.

Absolutely all students of the preparatory department are guaranteed to become students of the selected universities.

Dormitories in MSPU I.P. Shamyakina

Check-in at the university dormitory takes place on August 30/31. To check into a hostel, a student must submit the following documents to the dean's office of his faculty:

• Application (to be filled in at the dean's office);

• A copy of your passport (pages 25, 30-33);

• Certificate of the composition of the seven and the place of residence.

When checking into a hostel, you should have:

• Fluorography;

• Medical certificate issued by the medical center of the university.