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Bsc Belarusian State Circus
Belarusian State Circus

Belarusian State Circus

History of the Belarusian State Circus

The history of the Belarusian State Circus dates back to the Second World War. Now the circus has been working for 61 years. The first circus performance in the current building took place in 1959.

Performances and programs

340,000 people visit the Belarusian State Circus annually. The main hall has a capacity of 1625 seats. In addition to regular performances, the circus organizes charity performances for children in hospitals and orphanages. You can get acquainted with the program of performances on the official website of the circus, you can also buy tickets there (or at the box office at the entrance to the building). The internet sale ends 4 hours before the start of the show.

On average, one performance without intermission lasts 90 minutes.

The circus opens to the public 45 minutes before the start of the show.