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2019-2020 winter in Belarus is hottest recorded in past 10 years

With just weeks left to go, Belarus is heading toward the warmest winter ever recorded. Winter 2019-2020 is so warm – the snow is melting, flowers are blooming and even birds are returning home early this year, reports

If the trend continues through February, when winter ends for meteorologists, it will set a global high for the season in Belarus records going back 140 years.

According to preliminary estimates, the winter season of 2019-2020 in Belarus was abnormally warm. The average temperature of the three winter months is 1,5 degrees, which is 5,5 degrees higher than the climatic norm.

Due to climate change in 2019, 11 cases of dangerous meteorological phenomena were recorded in the country. Among them, for instance, was a strong wind in Pinsk – 29 m/s and heat in Bragin – 36,4 degrees.