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52 new companies admitted to HTP

The Supervisory Board of the Hi-Tech Park has registered 52 companies as HTP reports.

More than 20 new residents are developing their own products. In addition, the residents include representatives of fintech, medical technologies, developers of mobile applications and web platforms, e-commerce, miners and game creators.

The largest development center registered as residents is "Tinkoff Development Center LLC", which belongs to the Russian Tinkoff group of companies. The center will deal with systems for managing and automating business processes of the companies of the group.

The Russian Innotech Group of companies has registered the development center of "Future of Technologies LLC".

"BNKKripto LLC" and "Fintech Capital and Custody LLC" will be engaged in mining.

"Znaniye i Zdorovye LLC" will be engaged in the creation of an e-health infrastructure in Belarus based on the Swiss software Sylex SA.

"KometaRad" will develop and implement the Kometa PACS software for image processing, 2D/3D visualization of patient diagnostic results.

"Bi Easy LLC" is developing an application for sleep hygiene.

14 new residents were created with the participation of foreign capital from Australia, Latvia, the USA, Switzerland.

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