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A club-cafe will open in Minsk — where women who have suffered from violence will work

In Minsk, a cafe-club NORM will appear — women who have suffered from domestic violence will be able to find work there. The authors of the project promise that the institution will be open to all, reports 

Olga Gorbunova, ex-head of the public Association "Radislava", opens an unusual institution for Belarus. The project team has been providing shelter for women victims of violence for many years.

Cafe-club "Norm" will appear near the metro station "Academy of Sciences", on the street Surganova, 2, building 9. This is one of the premises of the complex "Olympic", which for many years stood idle.

— It will be a social and cultural space with a vegan kitchen and a bar. A place for employment of people who are assisted in the framework of the asylum in "Radislava". We want to create a platform where girls and women can realize their creative potential. We plan to employ older women there as well. But the cafe itself will be open to everyone. There will be a large number of vegan food, healthy, homemade, - says Olga Gorbunova.

For Belarus, such a project is a novelty, but in other countries there are similar cafes for people from different vulnerable groups. Olga Gorbunova gave examples sush as Prague, Lviv, and Berlin.

50% of the profits of the cafe are going to be directed to the development of shelters for women and children affected by violence. It is neсessary  to buy or build a house for 50 beds (now in the shelter only 30).