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A Council on Historical Policy has been established under the Administration of the President of Belarus

On February 4, the President of Belarus signed an order, according to which a Republican Council for Historical Policy is being created under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. It will be engaged in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of historical memory, writes with a link to the President's website.

The Council on a voluntary basis will include well-known scientists in the field of humanities, authoritative public figures, representatives of political parties, public associations, the expert community, government agencies and organizations. The key role in the work of the council will be performed by The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

The Council will determine the strategies and objectives of historical policy; coordinate activities in the field of historical policy; study and monitor public opinion on socio-humanitarian issues. The Council will also have the right to initiate the naming of geographical objects and their renaming, perpetuate the memory of fallen soldiers, famous personalities, coordinate publishing activities, including making recommendations on the prevention and suppression of violations in the field of preserving historical memory.

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