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A new method of treatment of type I diabetes mellitus from Belarusian scientists

Belarusian scientists have achieved a breakthrough in the treatment of type I diabetes mellitus by developing a unique method using cellular technologies, Sputnik writes.

Researchers are growing new cells from tolerant dendritic cells, which play a key role in the functioning of the immune system. This method is aimed at suppressing autoimmune inflammation, which is directed against insulin-producing beta cells, solving one of the main causes of diabetes mellitus.

The participants in the clinical trials of the new method were 20 participants who were selected taking into account various factors, including age, duration of diabetes and residual insulin function.

The treatment process involves extracting blood, growing cells in the laboratory to ensure sterility, viability and authenticity, and then injecting the cell product back to patients.

Clinical trials took into account the intensity of the autoimmune process and the duration of the disease, with higher efficiency in cases where the autoimmune response did not quickly destroy beta cells. The method, although it does not provide a complete cure for diabetes, allows you to slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the need for insulin.

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