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A register of advertising distributors will appear in Belarus

On November 2, Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree "On the placement (distribution) of advertising", which provides for the creation of a register of advertising reports.

The state information resource "Register of Advertising Distributors" will be created from January 1, 2022.

It will be supervised by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade. It will be placed in open access on the official website of MART.

Since February 1, 2022, the provision of advertising services by an advertising distributor not included in the register is illegal and prohibited.

Advertising distributors not included in the register will only be able to provide advertising services listed in the annex to the decree. These will include services for outdoor advertising, advertising on vehicles and inside their salons, advertising by telephone, telex, fax, cellular mobile telecommunications, e-mail, advertising in buildings, advertising on paper, not related to print media, and other types of advertising determined by the Council of Ministers.

How the register will be formed, what data it will include and other issues will be determined by the government.

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