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Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed an agreement with environmental company from China

On April 7, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with CAMCE Ecological Technologies, a Chinese environmental protection company, the Minsk-News agency writes.

Belarusian and Chinese scientists will develop and implement scientific and technical projects. The agreement also provides for the establishment of Belarusian-Chinese research and production centers and joint ventures on the basis of the Academy of Sciences, CAMCE and the Belarusian-Chinese Great Stone Industrial Park. The priority direction will be the protection and restoration of soils in Belarus.

The Academy of Sciences of Belarus has already established more than 20 joint research centers and laboratories with Chinese partners. They are engaged in the development and adaptation of advanced technologies, as well as their promotion to the markets of Belarus, China and third countries.

The Belarusian Academy of Sciences is already cooperating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academies of sciences of several provinces of China, manufacturing corporations Huawei and AVIC. 

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