Additional buses will run from Minsk to Poland and Latvia
Minsktrans adds busses on routes from Minsk to Poland and Latvia – regular and one-time, reports. Recently we also wrote that since April 25 there has been a bus from Borisov to Vilnius via Minsk.
From May 1, a daily bus from Minsk to Warsaw (via Brest) and back will run:
- Departure from the Central bus station in Minsk – at 7PM (from May 1);
- Departure from Warsaw – at 4:30PM (from May 2).
From May 2 to May 31, additional busses from Minsk to Daugavpils will be organized on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays:
- Departure from the Central bus station in Minsk – at 8:40AM;
- Departure from Daugavpils is at 12:30PM.
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