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An exhibition of orchids will be held in the Botanic Garden of Minsk this weekend

The exhibition of tropical orchids will be held in the Central Botanic Garden in Minsk, from January 28 to 30.

The greenhouse will feature more than 100 species of orchids, which rarely leave the closed stock greenhouse and are shown to the public. You will also be able to get acquainted with a variety of miniature orchids.

On the same days, master classes will be held where you will learn about new methods of planting orchids, about the variety of substrates, plant protection products and biostimulators of growth.

The cost of visiting the exhibition is BYN10. The cost of participation in the master class is BYN5. You need to make an appointment for the master class by phone: +375 29 320 17 17 and +375 17 292 69 15 . Tickets for the exhibition can be purchased at the entrance to the Botanical Garden.

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