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Belarus and Italy intend to intensify cooperation on innovation

According to, Belarus and Italy intensify scientific, technical and innovative cooperation in the field of ICT, medicine, energy, new materials, including within the framework of the European Union program on science and innovation "Horizon 2020".

This agreement was reached during a meeting of the Chairman of the State Committee for science and technology Alexander Shumilin with the Minister of education, universities and research of the Italian Republic Lorenzo Fioramonti. At present, Belarusian scientists and specialists together with partners from Italy participate in 11 projects of the European Union program on science and innovation "Horizon 2020" with a total budget of more than 1.16 million euros.

The meeting discussed the work of the joint Commission in the field of science and technology and the announcement of a competition for joint fundamental and applied projects that are of mutual interest in the field of science, technology and innovation, as well as prospects for the creation of production of high-tech goods and services with access to the markets of third countries.

The basis of the legal framework of the Belarusian-Italian relations are 13 existing international treaties and international legal documents.